Chapter 20

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Anna Faze.
October 27th, 2021.

All morning Harry and I have been in meetings about us being the headliner at Coachella and now that we are, we have a bunch of stuff to get ready with that like outfits, setlist, the band, special guests, a whole bunch of things to plan out. I truly am excited to headline Coachella, god that doesn't even sound real.

Today we just went over ideas for our outfits, it's two nights that we perform the first day of weekend one and the first day of weekend two. We didn't get far with coming up with anything, hell I don't even think we decided on a color.

"Come walk with me." Harry offered.

We ended up at some park by the arena. It's a nice day, it's been raining the past few days and today the sun is out. I watch the two ducks swim in the pond in front of us on the bench.

"Are you happy? With her?" I say, looking at the ducks and twisting my rings.

He let out a breath before answering. "Yes."


"Okay?" He looks at me.

"Well, what do you want me to say, Harry?" I push my glasses up, now and then I get migraines just so happens I get one today. "What? Do you want me to ask you to leave her? I can't do that Harry, it's wrong."

"I would if you did.." he muttered. I felt the air leave my lungs. He's not serious, right?

I was saved by his phone going off.

He sighed. "We better get back." He gave me a tight-lipped smile before rubbing his hands up and down his legs then stood up.

"Yeah," I muttered.

We started walking back the way we came, Harry just stopped and turned to me. "I meant what I said back in Florida. You will be the one I pick before anyone else, you just have to say it." He continued to walk.

I shove my hands into the jacket pockets walking behind him. I just have to say, Harry I'm still in love with you, I have been since the night you found me on top of the tour bus. All I have to do is say that? How the fuck do I?

Does he feel the same way?

Red and black, Harry is in red and I'm in black.

Simple but affected.

After we got back my migraine had gotten quite intense, I went to lay down, it also gave me some time to think about stuff. I haven't told anybody this but I keep getting this feeling that something/ someone is watching me 24/7, besides security. This is different from them. It's like a hair that's on your arm but you can't seem to get or see it or even try and grab it and you need someone else to look for it for you.

Enough with that right now it's showtime, I got changed and put my in-ears in before heading down to the entrance bay. After chatting with everyone and taking a couple of pictures we get into the box.

I let go of Freddie's hand. "Thank you," I say and sit down bringing my knees up to me. Harry gets in as well, we both give the signal to roll us out.

"How's your head?" Harry asks.

"It's okay. I took some Excedrin for it, hopefully it'll kick in soon." I say, not too loud.

I've had migraines my whole life but over time new things start to be affected by it. At first, it was just my eyes and it only lasted for a couple of hours, but now it's my eyes and loud sounds, like people talking, that makes it worse and they last for a day or two.


Halfway to the stage.

"You look good tonight." I hear him mumble.

"Harry... don't start this." I say. I know he's being kind but I do not have the energy for it.

"Start what? I can't help it if you look good." He defends himself. I stayed quiet not because I wanted to but because my migraine stopped me from saying anything.

"Your sign says 'I skipped my grandma's funeral for this!'." I threw my hands up in the air and started laughing.

"I— I don't know what to say to that!" I laugh. Everyone laughs along with me. I put my mic down, sending the fan a kindfelt kiss and letting Harry talk.

I feel like someone is watching and not in the way the fans are.

Tonight was so fun, the crowd was so lively I loved it. After getting changed back into my clothes and packing up I went out and met with everyone.

"You fucked up your song." Mitch teases me.

"I knew you were going to say something about it too!" I laugh.

He smiles and throws his arm over me. "But, you did well though." We all talked a little bit more just joking around, having a good time, until my phone went off.

From: Olivia Wilde
At: 11:02 pm.

Whatever it is you have planned out with yourself and Harry for the future, needs to stop now. Harry is mine, all mine. If I see another picture of him with you out to dinner together it'll be worse than it already is. Don't fuck with me Faze because I will always win. Let's face it, Ms. Perfect can't take a loss right now. Not with how your past is coming back around.


I showed it to Kenny, who was right next to me. He didn't say anything or even show any emotion to them he just read them and gave me my phone back and left.

What does she mean by 'not with now your past is coming back around.'

Ms. Perfect?

"Go to the hotel, Anna!" Kenny yelled as he turned the corner.

I turn back around and hug everyone goodbye, I didn't explain why Kenny said that to anyone I just listened to him.

"Ms. Faze. Are you okay?" Edward asked.

"Just take me to the hotel, please." I smile.

I let the door close behind me. I lay my things on the dining table I let out a sigh as I run my fingers through my hair, what the fuck is happening. I finally lay in bed after a nice long hot shower. I go back to the text from earlier and read it again, and again, and again.

"Now that my past is coming back?" I mumble to myself. Does she know about Matthew? There's no way.

This whole time Harry keeps telling me to think, has he been trying to tell me Olivia is out to get us or me? And that if I told him to leave her he could because he would always pick me..

And it all clicked.

I've been lied to this whole time by Harry. My friends... everyone. And if there is one thing in the world I hate more than anything is being lied to.

Is that why Harry has been so soft-spoken with me like in Florida and the other night and the night he told me about Olivia hitting him. He's been trying to get on my nice side because he's been lying this whole time and so he thinks since he did all this I wouldn't be mad or upset.

How do I go about this? I may hate being lied to but I also hate confrontation.


After how long? She finally got it.

Happy reading!!

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