Chapter 13

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Harry Styles.
October 14th, 2021.

Anna fell asleep a little bit ago. I've just been watching her, I don't get this anymore and I don't know when the next time I'll be able to do this, I moved a little which made her throw her arm over my neck bringing me closer to her.

Olivia is going to be extremely pissed that I didn't come back but I don't want to listen to her downgrading me and take what little dignity I have left. I will always pick this Angel of a girl cuddled next to me before anyone else. I owe my whole world to her and I'll always try to make her happy and if that's three different kinds of ice cream and me icing her cheek then I'll be more than happy to do just that.

Anna Faze.

Last night was...different. Harry was the Harry I know and not the closed off one he's been ever since the tour started, I really miss him like this. But a part of me feels like he only did this because he felt bad about what Olivia did and is trying to make up for it.

I shove a piece of cantaloupe in my mouth as I watch his chest rise as he breathes. I'm guessing he got hot in the middle of the night since he doesn't have his shirt on. I also woke up with my hoodie off.

I ordered our breakfast. Harry absolutely loves eggs so I got him three hard boiled eggs and some orange juice. I'm allergic to eggs, so I got a waffle and a good amount of fruit.

Since I have such a fast metabolism I have to eat more than I feel comfortable doing some days with, I honestly hate how fast it is and how I have to eat so much to keep up with it. It's crazy to think about how I struggled with eating when I was younger.

I pop some more fruit in my mouth before I walk over and wake Harry up. I would let him sleep but it's already ten and his phone hasn't stopped going off. At some point I silenced it so he could sleep.

I sit next to him on the bed and softly run nails up and down his arm. He groans before pushing his face into the pillow.

"Love it's ten, you need to get up." I say. He loves being up early but not getting up.

I stand back up and yank the covers off of him–this is the only way I can get him up– balling them up so he can't get back under them.

"Ughhhhh!" He groans.

"Jeff and Kenny are both going to be pissed at us h come on!" I say.

I pulled his leg before saying. "I'm going to change the food waiting for you." Then I close the door.

I run my fingers through my hair taming some of the knots in my hair, I wash my face and brush my teeth afterwards I put some mascara on then some concealer to cover the bruise then move on to my hair. I decided on a half up half down look with some of my baby hairs pulled around my face, I change into a black flowy dress that showed some cleavage- not to much- with a tan jacket with my worn out docs'- I'm going to regret wearing them later- then just put my rings on and some perfume.

I walk back out the bathroom to see Harry's not in bed anymore— I look over to the dining table seeing him eating away. My shoes hitting the floor caught his attention.

I did a little spin for him. "You are truly gorgeous." He tells me, he stands from the table to walk to me and wraps his arms around my waist and places a kiss on my forehead. And again. And one more time.

"Thank you." I say as I bring my arms over his neck for a hug.


:) hope she sees it soon...

Happy reading!!!

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