Chapter 5

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Anna Faze.
October 3rd, 2021.

The crowd was amazing. At one point I could feel the stage moving.

I let my bag drop to the floor as I flopped on the bed. The show was great but I'm so tired, I definitely pulled my hamstring at one point.

After my shower I put on an oversized t-shirt and wash and moisturize my face and everything else. I finally get into bed, after most shows I like to look at the pictures everyone took.

As I was looking at a video from the show Harry called me.

"Hello." I put it on speaker and lay my phone on my chest.

"Hey, sorry to bother you this late but did you ever see Olivia tonight?" He asks.

"Actually no I didn't see her all night, why?" I questioned.

"I truly don't think she came to the show because none of her stuff is here anymore." He explains.

"Wait, I'm confused."

"After the show I didn't think twice about her not being around, I was just trying to get my stuff and go. Then when I got back here the house was empty, nothing of hers was here." He rambles on.

"Okay Harry calm down she probably just went back to LA, maybe her kids need her back early or something." I point out.

"No that's not the point, what I'm trying to say is- can you just come over so I can show you and so I know I'm not crazy." He bluntly says.

"Oh my hell, Harry, no I'm not coming over it's almost." I picked up my phone to check the time. "It is almost two am Harry. I'm not coming to your apartment." I say.

"Oh for the love of god women stop being so goddamn stubborn and just come over here!" He demands.

"No." I'm deadpan.

"No?" He clarifies.

"No, I'm not coming over. I'm not coming over just to get asked to leave again." I state.

I would love to know just how he convinced me to get out of bed and put on clothes, and here I am walking down the hallway to his door, again.

"Come in." He gestures for me to walk in.

I take off my shoes before following into the kitchen where I came to stop from seeing hundreds of Polaroids sadder on the kitchen island.

"Harry?" I say.

"I know this looks insane but hear me out okay." He says moving the pictures around.

I just stand there waiting for him to go on.

"Okay, last night I worked until like two in the morning and when I came in here to sleep, I saw one of these pictures under the coffee table. I didn't think twice about it and just put it on the coffee table... now it's not there and Olivia is gone and there are others missing." He frantically explains.

"Okay, Harry, you need to calm down, okay... take a deep breath." I tell him I walk up to him putting my hands on his shoulders to make him look at me. "Breathe."

After a few minutes of trying to get him to calm down I asked. "Okay, why would she take them?

"I don't know! That's what I'm trying to figure out." He says running his fingers through his hair.

"What pictures are missing?" I asked.

"You had them numbered 4, 20, 54 and 200." He tells me.

And then I remembered, I have a photo of me extremely pregnant in all of these, I started frantically looking for that photo, there's over three hundred pictures here.

"Harry, please tell me you didn't keep that picture of me extremely pregnant with all of these." I frantically say. The look on his face was ghost white... she could have a picture of me pregnant.

"Harry!" I snap. Nothing, it's not here.

"I'm sorry Anna... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I don't– I never wanted it to be like this between us, I'm so sorry." He croaks out.

"What do you mean Harry?" I questioned.

"I don't want us to be like this, I miss u." He admits.

"I will give you answers, you just have to be patient with me." He adds.

"Harry I don't care about answers right now just tell me if you kept that picture with all of these!" I frantically say.

He's walking away, not answering me. I followed him as he went into his room, now he's looking at the top of his closet, he pulls down a yellow box and gives it to me. "Anything that had to do with you and the baby is in this, so no she didn't find that picture." He mumbles.

I looked down at the box, I didn't know he had this. I thought he wouldn't want to keep that stuff around. And the crazy thing about this is I have the same thing back home, same color box too.

"Can I open it?" I asked softly. He nods his head letting me do so.

The first thing I see is a picture of me holding her in the hospital. I didn't know he took this and then I saw a little pair of baby socks- god, I forget just how tiny she was- there's also letters, maybe ten or so, I could feel him come and sit next to me.

"How long have you had this stuff?" I whisper.

"Few months after she passed away, I started putting some stuff together." He tells me.

"Why would she just take random pictures of us?" I questioned.

I look back down, looking through the things then I find the picture of me extremely pregnant, felt like I could breathe, if she got this a few clicks and the whole world would know we had a baby.

"I don't know, I really don't know," he says.

I pull the top back on the box and hand it back, I stand back up, as I turn around I see the clock on his nightstand reading 4:33 am- god.

"H it's almost five in the morning and we both have meetings all day tomorrow- or today so can we finish this when we both have slept." I grumble.

"Yea, yes of course if you want you can sleep in here I'll take the couch, and don't fight me for leaving it's too late." He says. He's right it is too late to fight and plus I'm so tired, but I'm not sleeping in here.

"No, no. I'll sleep on the couch you sleep in here, it's fine." I start to walk to the doorway.

I could hear him start to fight me on it but he just stopped himself, if it wasn't this last and he wasn't tired he would've gone on about it.

As I walk into the hallway I look back at him. "Goodnight, Harry." I say before continuing walking into the living room. Before going over to the couch I grab a glass of water.

I look at my phone seeing a text from Olivia. Fuck.

From: Olivia
At: 4:02 am.

'I would just like to say I hope you and Harry are happy because I'm about to make your lives a living hell.'

I read it a few more times before quickly walking back to Harry's room, I didn't say anything to him I just shoved my phone in his face.

"She sent another one." He says in fear.

I quickly take my phone back to see what the new texts said.

From: Olivia
At: 4:03 am.

'I think it's time for the world to know the truth about you Anna.'

The truth?


This chapter was all over the place, lots of emotions!!

Happy reading!!!!

pls don't hate me for this one :)) <33

Also a quick thing I just wanna say thank you for everyone who is reading this book, like truly thank you I really didn't think anyone would, so thank you!!! <3333

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