Chapter 6

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^ play this as you read.

Warning- abuse, substance usage!
(Please don't read this chapter if you have any trouble with those triggers<3)

February 9th, 2002.

He's drunk, again.

I've been in my room for the past three days, I haven't left it since I got here, this hell on earth of a place.

I have only fifteen more hours here then I can be back with my mama, fifteen more.

Glass breaking.

I flinched as I heard it hit against my door, he's mad- I did everything he told me too, I cleaned, I mopped I- I did everything...

I can hear the stomp's from his boots getting closer and closer.

I didn't have anywhere to go. I just sit on the bed with my knees to my chest in fear.

He pushed open the door with his foot making it slam up against the wall. "You little shit!" He yells.

I'm paralyzed in fear, shaking.

"You've really out done yourself dip shit!" He yells again.

I can smell the alcohol from him... it's almost like it's coming out of him through the sweat that covers his body.

As he walks closer to me I can feel my heart in my throat, I can't tell if I'm going to pass out or throw up.

With a blink of an eye I'm being pulled off the bed and thrown on to the floor, the cold wet floor, and then a kick to my ribs making me cry out in pain.

"Please... please." I sob out.

"Oh, now you're sorry." He leans down to me grabbing my hair by the root, making me look right at him. "So sad, it's too late now bitch." He tells me and lets out a devilish laugh.

I can see the leftover cocaine around his left nostril. His pupils are dilated to no end all i can see is darkness in his eyes. He's drunk and high–

"I did everything you asked, please!" I cry out.

Another kick to my ribs.

"Shut up!" He screams.

"please." I whisper.

It'll all be over soon. It's okay Anna just breathe, it's okay.

Stinging wipes across my back- I scream out in pain.

And again.

October 4, 2021
(present day)

I can feel tears rolling down my face. "No Harry they- can't no, no they'll look at me so differently." I sob out.

"Anna, it's okay, no one is going to look at you differently." He says calmly as he wipes the tears from my cheeks.

"Why is she doing this?" I cry as I lay my head on his chest.

He wraps his arms about me almost instantly. "I have no idea, my love."

I didn't sleep that night- morning whatever you want to call it. After Harry tried to calm me down we both just lay in his bed trying to sleep but never did we just need to talk the whole time.

The past two days have been more than just stressful, the second night in New York went well, I did however pull my hamstring. Yesterday was awful honestly. I was so stressed that Olivia is going to go to some news outlet and tell them what all she knows, which has been making me think about what she actually knows and who told her what she "apparently" knows?

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