Chapter 62

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Anna Faze.
May 14th, 2022.

The day is finally here, the day of my gala is finally here. Everyone is already here at the hotel getting ready for the night.

Peyton is here, Taylor is here. The girls from the band HAIM are here, there are so many amazing people here for layer tonight. When Alana Haim called me I almost fell to my knees in shock, we met through Taylor a couple years ago.

Taylor and Peyton flew in yesterday morning, the Haim sisters got to the house at the same time Taylor and Peyton were arriving from the airport. We all had a sleepover at my house then we all came in my car to the hotel. It was so much fun, it felt so good to have some girl time with them.

I dont think a topic didn't get talked about last night from what happened to me in Atlanta to Peyton having a crush on one of my guards to Taylor getting her doctorate, it's an honorary doctorate but either way we're all so proud of her. We also talked about her having a possibility of her having new music coming soon, that's all I can say for now.

There was something else that she had said about a tour coming soon for her. The Eras tour. Which made us all go crazy over because the last time she was meant to go on tour it got canceled and the last actual tour was for her comeback which was over four years ago now. I was lucky to see her on that tour and see her sing Reputation, plus more, live. I had the greatest time at the show. I don't remember half of it because I think I may have blacked out at a few points but I still had an amazing time.

From what I've been told, it's going to be one hell of a tour.

"Alright, what do you think?" Anae, the makeup and hair stylist, asks.

Earlier this week we got together and went through a bunch of different hairstyles and makeup looks for tonight. The final look we picked is my hair in a low half up half down style with a black velvet bow tied around the tied up section of my hair. For my makeup is a natural look, I didn't want a face full of makeup. Plus I think I look nicer with less makeup on.

I get up from her chair and go look in the mirror on the wall. "I love it!" I cheer. I turn to see my hair better. "It's so pretty thank you so much, Anae."

"Of course. It's what I'm here for." she says with a smile.

Anae leaves as Kenny was coming through the door. "You look just darling," he says.

"Thank you." I say with a smile.

Kenny informed me on how the press will be for when everyone shows up. The agents have already ran me through the plan for whose whereabouts and to reassure me nothing bad is going to happen tonight, or any time soon at that. To the blind eye you won't see them the whole night but I know they're there. They also have guards in watch of drones and other things that could fly and record the event tonight that's not a part of our crew. Anthony is on filming the night and LLody, who is our new photographer and will be joining us on certain parts of the tour, is taking the photographer for the night.

After Kenny gets done informing me how everything will work, he steps out to answer a phone call and I go put my dress on.

I truly love the collection we made with Alessandro. It works for both of us, from nice fancy dresses and suits to pajama sets to a few pieces of jewelry and even shoes. We had the freedom to create what we wanted and to have fun thinking of things to put in the collection, and we did exactly that. It's something neither me nor Harry have done. It's our first time having ideas go into something like this. Yes we have our ideas for our tour outfits but this is something completely different, those outfits are fun and bring attention to you from the bright colors and odd patterns. With this, you have to be serious. It's something you truly think about. With my side of it I had the mindset of, would I wear this to an event or where could I see myself wearing this too.

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