Chapter 35

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Anna Faze.

The both of us ended up falling asleep on Harry's bed wrapped in one another's arms. It was one of the few nights, I think, we've both had good sleep. I'll be honest it felt nice being in his arms, it sounds weird to say this but I've been listening to his heartbeat. When we were dating I would do it all the time, I had to convince myself he was real somehow. I miss the comfort of being in his arms, I wanted to tell him I wanted things to go back to the way they were but I didn't. I couldn't tell you why I didn't, I miss the way it used to be.

A part of me wants to forgive him and move on from all of this, but the other part of me doesn't want to. If I do forgive him it'll feel too soon, but if I don't then when will I? Maybe when we get to LA and I sit down with my therapist my questions can get answered.

Another thing we talked about last night was where one other is going after the tour ends. I'm planning on going back to Tennessee to be with my family until the new year comes. Once we're in the new year I'll fly over to London so that the two of us can get done filming the music videos for the songs we have picked out.

Maybe today will be an okay day.

I somehow managed to get out of Harry's arms and go to the bathroom, after I used it and washed my hands. I take one of the small washcloths and wash off the makeup that was leftover from where I missed from last night. I flip the light off as I walk out and crept my way into the main room. I left my phone in here last night by accident. I scrolled through the news seeing pictures of the two of us from last night, and also from yesterday morning. I knew about the ones from last night but I didn't about the ones from in the morning, it was me and Harry getting off the plane and into the car that was waiting for us.

I turn my phone off and put it in between the elastic line of my leggings. I peeped my head back in the room where Harry was, seeing him still sleeping. I take one of his room keys off the dining table and make my way to my room. I think it would be good for me if we went and did something instead of being cooped up in a hotel room.

I took my time getting ready after I got out of the shower, I dried myself off and threw on one of my big shirts and some underwear. I brush out my hair and run curl oil out through my scalp and rub it in. I put some moisturizer on my face, then I brush my teeth and put some deodorant on. It'll take some time for my hair to dry, so to pass the time I decide to go back over to Harry's room. I put on some shorts and grabbed the key to his room.

Our rooms weren't that far from each other's, mine was on one end of the hallway and Harry's was on the other end. I closed the door myself so it won't make noise, I didn't hear the shower going or his phone so I'm guessing he's still sleeping. It's only ten in the morning, I'm not sure what I'll do to keep busy. I don't really know anything that's going on in the city. Pauli would definitely know where a farmers market is or something to that.

I pushed open the door to the room Harry was sleeping in, I was right he was still out of it. I crawl my way up the side I was on earlier and lay next to him. Almost instantly he put his arms back around me, he laid his head on my chest.

He didn't say a word which surprised me, since I had my phone with me I just scrolled through Pinterest looking at plants and reading new tips on how to keep them nicer for longer. After reading a bunch of articles I got a text message from Kenny. He was asking if there was anything I needed and if so to let him know. I texted him back saying 'thank you, and that I may go on a walk later and that he's more than welcome to come along.'

I close out of our text and go over my schedule to see if I had anything planned for today before I talk with anyone about going anywhere. I had a few things I needed to do today, which I can do all of them from my phone. One of the things was talking with Leslie about the photo shoot. I know the launch is to happen soon, which is kinda funny in a way because Harry also has two big things coming up I believe around the same time. I know that his first drop for 'Pleasing' is going to happen in a week or so, but I also think he said he has a photo shoot that's to come out as well at the same time.

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