Chapter 27

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Anna Faze.

"The FBI is watching over us because he's been following us since 2014?" His eyes are bugged out like he's seen a ghost.

"Please don't be mad at me for agreeing with them on watching out for us along with their own." I pick at the skin around my nail bed. Bad habit.

He sighed as he rubbed his temples, "I- I'm not mad. I'm glad you agreed. I'll take all the security I can get to keep you safe. It's just." He stammered. "Seven years? Seven fucking years this, this psycho has been watching us taking pictures of us to do only god knows what with." He stresses.

"My one thing is to keep you safe and I can't even do that." He adds. He pushes himself off the island and walks away shaking his head. He mumbles 'seven years' as he paces the floor.

"You're spiraling. Harry, you can't do that, if anything he probably won't do anything he got to me once and now it's a lot harder to do. Harry, you can't beat yourself up over this." I walk over to him, stopping in front of him, getting him to stop pacing.

"Stop." I softly place my hands on his chest.

He brings his hands to the sides of my shoulders. His thumb rubs up and down. "I can't do this without. I need you." He hums.

"I want the truth. If you need me just tell me the damn truth." I pleaded. For a split second he had a look of confusion but then it went to shock, his eyebrows shot up and his eyes went big, he even dropped his hold on my arms.

"We will talk more about 'the truth' when Peyton leaves in the morning when her flight leaves out at 7am." I remove my hands from his chest.

He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times to talk but he just keeps it close. I walk back over to my trash and clean up. "You have food in the refrigerator. I would like you to eat it before we go to the arena." I look back over at him still standing in the same spot.

"Or don't." I stop in front of him again. "I don't care." I continue walking to the guest room and close the door behind me.

I have an hour or so to kill so I pull out my iPad and start to make up some sketches of the gala floor layout. I still need to look at venues but it's always good to be one step ahead. There's so much that goes into galas like flowers and food and the type and tables and chairs and what you want them to look like, a whole bunch of stuff.

Apparently Peyton and Edward have been hitting it off after the whole sidewalk thing. Peyton was having a panic attack and he helped her calm down. And then they went for lunch together and then went to the arena and have been here all day long.

"You are something else Peyton." I just smile.

"No you don't get to do that okay. He's really nice and funny! Oh my gosh, he's so funny and he showed me the ropes." She said in his accent. "And now that new people have been added on to the team he told me that he'll be one of the few to be teaching them." She exclaims.

"Well either way I'm happy to see you like this again. You haven't been at all." I wave my hand in front of her face. "Smiley for a long time." I tell her.

"I know, I know. Anna he's–" She squeals.

I laughed.

"I finally mentioned to Harry that I knew he was lying but not actually telling him." I squint my eyes.

"Explain a little more." She copies me while squinting her eyes.

"He told me he 'needs me' and I just told him 'if he needs then I want the truth' and he looked like his heart fell to his ass and then some." I explained to her.

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