Chapter 16

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Trigger warning– talk unconstitutional sexual content and talk of alcohol.

Harry Styles.
October 20th, 2021.

It was like the old us.

It's been two days since I showed Anna the picture. Since she held me, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, how gentle she was, how she didn't think twice about not believing me.

These past two days have been extremely busy with two back to back shows then having to meet with people for the upcoming Pleasing drop and deciding on a date for the album. I don't think I've sat down till now, flying to Boston but I do get to sit next to Anna, the first time in two days I've been able to sit next to her and not get yelled at by Olivia.

"Here." Anna whispers and hands me one of her airpods. Criminal minds, one of her favorite shows.

I did tell Jeff about Olivia and what she did that night, I hate being walked on. As of right now with the picture it's a 'he said she said' same goes for Anna 'he said she said'.

I sat her water bottle down on the table, she looked up and gave me a smile since she had a mouth full of food.

She swallows her food before saying. "Show me what you're talking about with Pleasing." Then shoving another piece of sushi into her mouth.

I got some of the artwork back from the designer, they're rough sketches, but you get the idea.

I turn my computer round to her. "There u go." Her eyes go big as she takes a couple sips from her water bottle.

"Oh my god! It's a sexy frog!" She says as she laughs.

I chuckle as I chew my food

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I chuckle as I chew my food.

I show her some of the other ones before going back to actual work like the album date. After millions of date ideas we've settled on May 20th, and the first single will come out on April 1st, Anna also told me about the 14th of May for the foundation and I'm all for it. She also told me some ideas she came up with which I loved of course, she truly is amazing watching her do this all by herself is mesmerizing.

We both cleaned up from dinner. I bribed her with food one so I could see her, two we really did need to get a date for the album release, it worked very well.

After a while we had moved to the couch, Anna was still working on her computer. I was watching a show on my phone.

"What the fuck." I hear her mutter under her breath as she sits up.

I turn my phone off and take my feet down off the ottoman and sit up with her. "What? What is it?" I place my hand on her back.

Her breath was shaky and almost panicked. "I— I don't know how." Her leg starts to bounce some. "How could he have found me?" She questions herself.

Anything [h.s]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora