Chapter 49

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Anna Faze.
March 2nd, 2022.

"Have you checked on your mom?" Peyton asks.

Whenever someone asks me about my mom I always give them the happy side of our relationship, sometimes I lie when I express how close we are. When I turned eight she was diagnosed with unspecified bipolar disorder. At that age I didn't understand what it meant or what was happening with her, the doctors put her under the unspecified category because even they couldn't give her an exact answer to what she was experiencing.

When the band started to get more attention my mom got super annoyed at that. Which she couldn't help because it was a part of her bipolar disorder, it hurt me to no end, the arguments that we would have still hurt to this day. I know that she didn't mean anything that was said during them but knowing that she even had the thought stung my younger self.

"Yeah, she's fine." I fix my glove before picking up the haybal.

I throw it over my shoulder as I walk down to the first stall for the horses. "Okay, what about harry? Talk with him?" She asks. I stop in front of the first stall and drop the bal.

I huff as I stand back up from throwing it down. "Yes and no." I take out my pocket knife from my back pocket and cut the twin. I take two chunks of the hay and go into the stall. "He checks on me here and there but that's it. Which is killing me." I say as I shove the hay into the hay nets.

I know that Harry is back in consistent therapy now, he's been in therapy for a long time— since the band ended, I think. Now that he's in one place he can go in person and not do a once a month touch in.

If what I think he's going through in therapy, him being distant is completely valid. I did the same thing when I started talking about Atlanta and the past year. At some point we'll both be in the right mindset to talk to each other about that day.

"Why is that?" Peyton asks as she helps me with restocking the hay.

I move to the next stall and do the same thing as the others. "Because I miss him, okay? That's not a crime." I defend myself.

Peyton laughs at my answer. "But you don't miss just him. You miss his voice, his smile, his laugh, his presence." She teases.

I look through the rails between the stalls as a guilt smile comes around my face. "What can I say? I'm in love with him, Peyton!"

"You are something else." She shakes her head as we both exit the stalls.

We grab the rest of the hay and make our way down to the last two stalls when my phone starts to ring. I put the hay on the door of the stall, and take my gloves off.

I pull out my phone to see Harry across the top of my phone waiting for me to answer or decline the call.

"It's Harry!" I shout from excitement.

Don't know where that came from. I shake my head, calm down, before answering.

"Hello." I say, I hold my phone to my ear with my shoulder as I put my gloves back on.

"Hey, I was just calling to check on you. Like normal." He says. He sounds good, he doesn't seem down or tired.

I sigh and say, "I'm doing well." I close the hay net back. "How about you? You sound good." As I walk out the stall I see out of the corner of my eye Peyton fanning herself from her overhearing me.

I throw her the middle finger as I walk by her.

"Yeah I am good, I've been doing good. Listen, I also called to tell you that at the end of this month I'm flying to California for Coachella, since we still need to find someone to replace Niji and start practicing for the tour." He says.

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