Chapter 23

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Trigger warning - talk of blood, Talk about getting addicted to pills.

Anna Faze.

Open your eyes.

Move something.

Take a breath.

Open your eyes.

Move something.

Take a breath.

Open your eyes.

Move something,


"I can't live without you." Harry tearfully said.

I can hear. Why can't I move or open my eyes?

My mom was here.

I felt her.

Both of them.

"I love you."

I can hear. I can feel it. Why can't my eyes open and why can't I move anything?

Open your eyes.

Move something.

Take a breath.

My body feels heavy, my arms, my chest, my legs, even my fingers. I don't understand... What happened? I try to open my eyes, only to be met with white lights and beeping.

When opening my eyes, I feel my entire body tense in a way I've never felt. It wasn't from pain, at the moment I'm not sure what it was from. Even with my eyes closed the light that is shining beaming down from above me.

The static is dying down and the beeping is becoming more prominent. The beeps get closer and closer to each one the closer I listen to it.

I force myself to lift my arms up, bring my hands to my eyes. I rub them a few times trying to fix my vision. A few moments of rubbing them I stop and let my eyes try to adjust to my surroundings.

My eyes land around the room, seeing a fairly big window, my vision isn't back completely to where I could see out of it. I look down to see myself in a hospital gown and not my clothes. Whilst looking around the room I see a chair next to my bed like someone would sit and watch me, that gives me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

At that thought, the door opens. A lady in scrubs comes in. "Ms. Faze, it's wonderful to see you awake." Her voice is soft. She rubs hand sanitizer before putting on gloves. "How do you feel? Do you have pain?" She asks.

She walks up to the side of the bed. "Where am I?" I ask. My voice is weak and raw.

"You are in the Atlanta General Hospital. There was an accident." She kindly explained. "You're safe here, my name is Sarah. I'll be taking care of you throughout the night." She reassures me. She looks up to where the beeping is coming from and then back to me.

Sarah was very nice going over what happened to me. She looked over my vitals and asked how my pain was, again. She helped me stand and use the bathroom. She had mentioned my husband has been sitting beside me ever since I got out of surgery. At first it scared me when she said that, being that I do not have one and with what I just went through with Matthew I had to make sure it wasn't him and who I'm guessing they think it is.

After I reassured myself it was Harry. She looks over my scar, checking the stitching and redressing it with a new set of bandages. I couldn't bring myself to look down at something I will now have with me for the rest of my life. I feel disgusted with it.

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