Chapter 28

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Harry Styles.
October 1st, 2021.

She's not upset with me, she's not mad she didn't cry it was all good a little confusion but other than that it went.. okay. Thank god.

Just a few hours after I had fallen asleep I was awoken by Anna.

"I'll be back in a few, I'm just taking Peyton to the airport and then I'll come in here." She runs her nails down my arm softly giving me goosebumps.

I hum in response.

I know the airport is a good way from the apartment but all I did was blink and I heard the front door being closed and locked back. It didn't take her long to get in the bed with me, after she had changed back into her sleeping clothes.

I heard her giggling as she moved more into my arms. Anna sleeps cool and I sleep hot so it works out in our favor.

"God you're freezing." I muttered.

She hums in response, it's nice to have her in my arms again, I feel safe.

Hearing my alarm this morning made me want to take my phone and throw it against the wall but I knew I needed to get up and go run, since I didn't get to do my full run yesterday. I look over to see Anna on her stomach facing the other way and sound asleep.

I throw on some running shorts and an old plain white t-shirt with my running shoes. I brush my teeth and put some deodorant on.

I walk to the other side of the bed and kiss Anna on the forehead. "I'll be back." I whisper. She didn't move a muscle. I chuckled to myself as I walked back around and grabbed my phone and went out of the room. I grab my keys out of the bowl by the door before leaving.

I connect my headphones to my phone and tap play on a random podcast I had saved. Normally I'd have someone come with me rather than Anna or Tommy or even Jeff, but I decided just to go alone and have a peaceful run.

I know I don't have the same trust with Anna like I did a week ago now and I understand that I will have to build it back and, I understand where she's coming from with dropping the trust with me. I'd do the same thing if I were her. Having someone who lies to you for a long period of time, hurts and you do lose the trust you have with them. If that person wants to show you they're sorry and didn't mean to hurt you, they work to build it back and try to earn that trust back.

There's a line between being an ass kisser and doing things to earn it back. The ones who kiss ass get annoying really fast; they're constantly doing something. But the ones who do little things here and they are the ones who actually want the trust back. They're patient and it shows them they're actually sorry and not just saying it for the hell of it.

Before I went back to the house I stopped and got us coffee and some bagels, from a little coffee and bagel spot by the apartment.

As I walked up the steps into the lobby I noticed the blacked out SUV sitting on the other side of the street. I do have to admit having them on our side and watching us along with our own people does give me a little peace of mind but I will always have that 'what if?' in my head.

I smile at Norman before hopping on the elevator and pressing the button for my floor. I get off and go down to my door and unlock and walk in, as I close the door behind me I hear the shower going and Anna's music playing. I lock the door back and take off my shoes, leaving them by the door, I put the stuff down on the table and take Anna's coffee to the bathroom.

I knock on the bathroom door and wait for the all clear before walking in. "I got you coffee and a bagel, it's on the table for them to get out." I tell her as I walk to the counter, placing it down.

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