As I was looking around, Yoongi stepped past me and took a seat in the arm chair. I turned my attention to him as he leaned back and stared at me blankly. Ugh, I hated those blank looks of his. I never knew what he was thinking.

I moved to his desk chair and sat in it gingerly, turning to face him. I cringed at the silence that seemed to stretch for miles between us, before I finally cleared my throat.

"Look, I know what that looked like out there. And I'll admit that there have been some moments with Tae that got close to crossing the line, but I swear Yoongi, I swear that nothing has happened between us and it never will," I explained.

His nostrils flared. "Then tell me why is he always hanging around you, clinging to you like you're the love of his life, and you let him?"

I bit my lip. "He...still has feelings for me. I tried to tell him that we could only be friends but he didn't want to hear it. I promise you, that is all he is for me now."

He slowly nodded.

"Look, Taehyung is selfish. He is used to getting what he wants, and when he doesn't, he slips into single minded determination. He pursues it until he gets it or it loses its worth. Sometimes he becomes sick with desperation and it makes him act out. He's hurt people before. Not physically and not always intentionally but he only sees the prize and he is willing to go scorched earth on everyone and everything to obtain it. I'm afraid that is what is happening with you. And you really didn't make it any better by giving into some of his tactics, albeit unintentionally."

I was taken aback. Was Tae really that determined to be with me?

I frowned. "I just...I just feel obligated to be there for him. He was there for me when..."

Yoongi leaned forward, his dark eyes locked onto mine.

"Say it."

"...when you weren't." I finished in a whisper.

"I know," he said, with a defeated look in his eye, "and I wish it was different. But it isn't. So now it's time to let him go, because it's only going to get worse from here on out."

My lips twisted as tears pooled in my eyes. Deep down, I always knew my relationship with Tae was a ticking time bomb. But why did it have to explode right when my entire world was crashing down around me?

Yoongi took my silence as apprehension so he gave me an ultimatum he knew I couldn't fight.

"Sabrina. As your soulmate, I ask that you respect this and do more to keep away from Taehyung," Yoongi said gravely.

I inhaled sharply. I was truly stuck. I couldn't, wouldn't deny Yoongi. And of course I knew it was the right thing to do, but it didn't ease the pit in my stomach.

"Then you believe me? You understand that I wouldn't do that to you? Not with Tae or with anyone else?" I asked hesitantly.

He held my gaze for a long, long moment. Long enough that I felt myself start to sweat.

"I do," he said.

I let out a sigh of relief but tensed up as he spoke again.

"But why were you two together just now?" he asked softly.

I felt a rush of anxiety wash over me and judging by Yoongi's expression, he felt it too.

"And please don't lie to me," he said in a level voice.

I stilled. We had arrived at a moment that I was hoping to avoid. It seemed that the universe was giving me another ultimatum: Trust in our tenuous bond and be honest with Yoongi or lie and face the consequences.

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