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WHEN THEY walked into the camp, everyone stared at them. Cordelia smiled at the siblings, knowing they held much more power than the witch ever could. Cordelia saw many familiar faces, unnoticeably waving at them.

The siblings were confused as to why everyone was staring at them which Cordelia thought was cute. "Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked with a smile.

"Maybe they think you look funny." Lucy joked which made Peter smile. Cordelia found his smile to one of his best features. She looked in front of her, giving Susan a proper answer. "You're royalty now, Susan."

It would be an understatement to say she didn't believe it.

"Am I still red?" She whispered to Peter without looking at him. He turned to look at her, noticing the color had faded slightly. "Not completely." He replied. She sighed, running a hand over her face. "But don't worry, you still look beautiful."

Cordelia mentally screamed at herself because this time, her face got hot and red over Peter. Not for unknown reasons but because of a boy. "Thank you."

The four made it to the last tent in the center, standing before it as they waited for Aslan. Cordelia was flooded with excitement again, anxious to see the lion.

She held her hands in front of her, trying her hardest not to claw at her neck.

Peter looked up at a centaur before drawing his sword and holding it up. She knew it wasn't the time but he looked beautiful as she stared at his side profile before back the centaur. More commonly known as Oreius.

"We have come to see Aslan." Peter told him and suddenly they heard the Narnians whispering amongst themselves. Oreius looked at the tent before the Narnians and Cordelia kneeled on beknownst of Aslan's presence.

The siblings looked at her and the crowd before turning back to see the great lion walking out of the tent in all his glory. Cordelia, who had her head bowed, was so tempted to look up at him.

The siblings stared at Aslan, Lucy with a smile, Susan with disbelief, and Peter who held a straight face. They started to kneel before him, Peter placing the tip of the sword into the ground.

"Welcome, Peter, Son of Adam." He greeted the boy and he lifted his head. "Welcome, Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve." The sisters lifted their heads, Lucy still with a large smile on her face.

"Welcome, Cordelia, Daughter of The Great Archer." She looked up at Aslan, trying not to smile but she couldn't help it.

"And welcome to you, Beavers. You have my thanks." Aslan welcomed before a serious question was asked. "But where is the fourth?" He asked and they stood back up. "That's why we're here, sir." Peter told him. "We need your help." He put his sword away, looking at the great lion.

"We had a little trouble along the way." Susan spoke, hoping Aslan would understand. "Our brother's been captured by the White Witch." Peter admitted the truth.

"Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan asked. "He betrayed them, your majesty." Beaver admitted once the siblings looked down in shame of their brother. The other Narnians started talking again.

"Then he has betrayed us all!" Oreius exclaimed. Aslan growled ever so slightly. "Peace, Oreius. I'm sure there's an explanation." Aslan said, trying to not have everyone against Edmund.

"It's my fault, really." Peter spoke which made Cordelia look at him with disappointment. "I was too hard on him." Cordelia started to wonder if that's how Atlas felt sometimes. Susan slid her hand onto Peters shoulder.

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