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NARNIA HAD always been Cordelia's home. The morning Cordelia was born, the trees were blowing in the soft wind, the sun was covered by storm clouds, and in some way, Skadi could hear a song from the river. In that moment, the woman knew Cordelia was a blessing in disguise.

When the little girl turned five years old, Cordelia had a head full of white, blonde curly hair and the apples of her cheeks were almost always a tad bit rosy. She had a small button nose and dainty lips with the most beautiful blue eyes that were so pure and soft. Her skin was very pale, almost translucent if you will. But it was fair to say she was a beautiful child.

Aside from how beautiful Skadis daughter was, Cordelia was a handful in the best way. The girl seemed to always be a joyful mood no matter what was going on. It could be raining rocks and the girl would have a smile on her face.

Narnians had found Cordelia to be a little bundle of joy and made sure the curious child was always out of harms way. When she got older, the girl would venture off into the forest with a basket to collect flowers and others items she'd find.

Skadi trusted that the trees would protect her and didn't worry to much. She loved seeing her daughter skip back home with a basket full of flowers with a giant smile on her face. The girl would end up making things out of flowers and gift them to anyone she could.

But more specifically her mom and brother. Skadi and Atlas had tons of random things made out of the flowers. Their entire home was decorated with these items. And they didn't for a second complain about it.

Now, when night fell upon Narnia, it was fair to say Cordelia was a restless child. The girl would run to the highest hill and lay on her back, examining every star she could see. It blew her mind that it went on for endless miles. She would make out the constellation's name by name, drawing them with her fingers.

Skadi sometimes would join her and Cordelia would talk her ear off for hours just because that's just how fascinated with the sky she was.

At the age of seven, Skadi had begun teaching her daughter about archery. The first time Cordelia ever picked up a bow and arrow, she immediately found the missing piece she had been looking for.

Skadi had gifted her arrows with white fletchings. Skadi took her to shoot some bullseyes and she had picked up on it very quickly. It was only a matter of time before Cordelia was doing all sorts of tricks and knew her way around with a bow and arrow.

Now every time Cordelia went anywhere outside her village, she took her prized possession with her. Skadi was going to suggest she do that anyway for protection but Cordelia did it before she had the chance.

It was now a family activity where the three of them would head to the bullseye and shoot arrows for fun. That was until the White Witch took over Narnia. She made an eternal winter fall over Narnia and even turned some of the trees into spies.

The only thing to break the spell was for a prophecy to happen. No one knew when it would happened but they had hope. Especially Cordelia.


CORDELIA TRUDGED through the snow, her breaths coming out as white clouds and she could barely see due to the snow falling on her eyelashes. She carried logs in her arms and her legs felt like giving up. "Need help?"

She looked up and saw her brothers face. His cheeks and
nose were covered in a dusty red color, his hands covered in fingerless gloves and his body was covered in three dark colored coats. He had on navy blue trousers with thick white socks sticking out of his boots. The boy had a red scarf around his neck which was really the statement piece.

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