Matthew Knies

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- he's a sweet boyfriend

- really tries to be a good boyfriend

- he just wants you to feel loved even with hockey keeping him busy

- Matthew is affectionate and enjoys being close to you

- he's not the biggest fan of most kinds of PDA

- but as soon as you're somewhere alone he's all over you

- really clingy

- but it's okay because Matthew gives the best hugs

- he wraps his long arms around you and just really pulls you close

- there's nothing half-assed about it

- when he's giving hugs he really means it

- him being tall gives him the prime position to kiss the top of your head

- and he does

- he does so often

- just enjoys being in the same space as you

- even more when it's your space

- he likes coming over

- being invited into your world

- taking naps on your bed or looking through the things you keep in your room

- it's familiar and intimate and he's thankful that you're sharing that part of your life with him

- Matthew is the opposite of a blanket hog

- he just tends to run hot so he'll end up on top of the blankets one way or another

- still wraps himself all over you which just causes you to be hot as well

- when there's nothing really to do for the two of you he likes to just go driving with you

- get some snacks and put on a good playlist and just explore

- he's usually the one driving just because he likes having you as a passenger princess

- puts his hand on your thigh and gives it little squeezes

- not even to get your attention just because it calms him down

- keeps extra stuff in the back of his car just in case you forgot to bring a hoodie or something

- even though he's not the biggest fan of PDA he likes to pull you to sit in his lap even when there's still enough seats available

- it's all very innocent really

- but he can have you close

- wrap his arms around your middle and put his his chin over your shoulder

- makes it easier for him to talk to you or give you sneaky kisses

- and he'll only complain a little bit when his legs fall asleep

- Matthew likes to call you before going to sleep when he's on the road

- but sometimes when he's exhausted he falls asleep while on facetime with you

- he snores a little bit but it's really cute

- when you tell him about it the next he gets all blushy and shy

- which looks fucking adorable

- dating Matthew is just sweet

- he's a great boyfriend that would follow you anywhere

- as long as you'll hold his hand

originally published: 16th july 2023

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