Moritz Seider - MLM

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- what are the chances somebody that understands german overhears him calling you Bärchen and teases him for it?

- or

- OR

- him just calling you english nicknames like babe

- but then you go and research cute german nicknames and call him Schatz and Moritz.exe just stops working

- he would totally try and teach you some words too but only if you want

- maybe just like Guten Tag for when he facetimes his parents and wants to introduce you

- soft grumbly german in the mornings when he doesn't want to get up

- he will totally charm your parents tho

- soooo many cheek kisses and temple kisses and neck kisses

- likes it when you hug him from behind

- loves it when you play with his hair

- you could just lay down on a couch just hanging out and he'd take your hand and puts it on his head because he wants you to pet his hair

- also back scritches

- he can fall asleep anywhere

- but he especially loves falling asleep on you

- he likes sharing his clothes

- will probably also steal some of yours

- there's a bunch of communal hoodies you can just choose from

- and he always has the softest sweatpants you can borrow

- loves how you look in his oversized clothes

- but he also loves that they smell like you when he gets them back

- because then he can take it on the road with him and has something that reminds him of you

- Moritz just really enjoys cuddling with you

- we can all agree he's the little spoon right?

- he likes to sleep in when his schedule allows for it

- and he always sleeps better when you're there with him

- maybe you can order some food and eat it in bed before going back to cuddling and watching shows on his laptop

- Moritz definitely has a shit ton of blankets to cuddle under

- i can't decide if he keeps his place cold so that he has an excuse to bundle up under blankets or if he keeps it warm to be cozy

- okay, hear me out, matching loungewear

- definitely a lot of team stuff he can share with you

- he would probably take you to a lot of team hangouts with the guys so that you can befriend each other

- would move rather fast

- not in that way

- but he wants to call each other boyfriend really quick and meet each others parents and move in together

- he's good about chores tho

- well most of them

- he can't cook at all but it's okay he is totally down to live off take out if you can't cook either

- he's bad at laundry too

- but he's good at other things like cleaning or taking out the trash

- he's just always happy to come home to you and spend time with you

- Moritz isn't clingy so he totally understands it if you need some time to yourself or to just hang out with friends

- he'll text you to check in with you and how you're doing and if you need him to pick you up from time to time but otherwise just let' you chill

- always wants a good morning and good night kiss and will get pouty if you don't love him

- he just needs a bit of reassurance sometimes

- but it's okay because he loves you a lot and you love him a lot

originally published: 28th december 2020

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