Matthew Tkachuk - MLM

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- Matt just wants to be a good boyfriend

- his confidence isn't always the best especially in relationships

- he's trying real hard but often he feels like he can't be the boyfriend you deserve

- you just need to hold him for a bit

- maybe tell him that he's enough

- Matthew is bad at taking compliments though

- he's not the most creative with date ideas or gifts but he tries asking the vets for tips and he's also not above asking his parents for help

- maybe google a bit

- his ideal time spend together is just holed up at home or doing a fun activity together

- takes you on hikes and then when you can't walk anymore because your legs are sore he'll give you a piggyback ride

- because he's a fool that would totally carry you until he can't anymore

- and he gives the best piggyback rides

- especially if that means having you pressed against him for a while

- not the most romantic but he can try and bring home roses

- don't let him try and cook you food because this boy burns water

- he can make a mean cereal tho

- Matthew absolutely loves it when you steal his stuff

- even though his first thought is always hey that fucker is wearing my hoodie

- before he realizes wait that fucker is my boyfriend, my boyfriend is wearing my hoodie

- queue soft Matty

- he gets really sweet about it like that's his man, in his hoodie, wearing his numbers, showing off that he's his

- also likes how your ass looks in his sweatpants

- when he has to get up early for morning skate or training he sometimes just takes a second to stay in bed and look at you

- not in a creepy way but like a little bit creepy

- he just thinks you look cute

- it also helps him get up in the morning because he's just not a morning person

- and seeing you being all cute and sleepy helps him get some energy for the day

- if you like have facial hair he would always complain about it being scratchy when you kiss

- but if you tell him that his weird beard is scratchy too he'd get fake offended and purposefully rubs his face against yours just to spite you

- he's always chewing on everything not just his mouthguard

- one christmas you get him a teething ring as a joke gift

- he always leaves love bites all over you

- maybe it's just normal oral fixation

- maybe he has a thing for just marking you up and claiming you

- maybe it's a mix of both

- who knows

- his family definitely always teases you

- especially his siblings

- Taryn and Brady definitely start a groupchat with you and you are always sending in blackmail material on Matthew to each other

- but that's just something that he'll have to deal with

- and you're sure that nothing will ever break you two up not even some pictures of baby Chucky being weird

originally published: 6th april 2021

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