Anthony Beauvillier

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- Tito is such a sweet boyfriend

- he's just so soft for you and always wants to be around you

- really needy not just in the sexual context but in general

- just loves being close to you

- so much kissing and cuddling

- he's just a lil clingy

- loves to be held

- especially fter a tough game

- nothing is better than to lay down on you and just have you around him

- because you're warm and he feels safe

- he's a wonderful weighted blanket

- wants to move in together rather quickly

- but in his mind there's just no reason to wait especially when it's true love

- and he's not home for most of the time anyways so it's not like you're just gonna be up in each others business all the time

- the apartment is always filled with friends and family

- he just wants your people to like him and his people to like you

- so he'd try really hard to get along with your friends

- gets invested in your work and hobbies and tries to support you the best that he can

- he buys food a lot

- not even to cook or anything but just lots of take out from fast food places and fancy restaurants alike

- it makes him feel good like he's providing for you

- but he also can't really cook so that's just his way out of kitchen duty

- Anthony isn't that bad with other chores

- will water fake plants tho

- it's not his fault, Mat agrees that they look really realistic

- Mat is over a lot

- when you ask him really nice Tito will speak french to you

- just cute little nothings (or dirty little nothings depending on the mood)

- so many sweet nicknames

- when you try to learn a bit of french for him he always rewards you for getting things right

- which usually ends i makeout sessions on the couch because his reward is just kisses for correct answers

- loves hugging youall the time

- just from the side or behind

- definitely the little spoon though

- he gets a bit sulky on long road trips when he's been away from home and from for a long time

- in the offseason he'll take you to meet his family and his old friendgroup and just introduces you to everyone and shows you around his hometown and tells you embarrassing stories from when he was a kid

- and he'll definitely try to feel you up in his old bedroom or kiss you in the secret makeout spots around town

originally published: 4th april 2021

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