Dylan Cozens

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- Dylan is a great boyfriend

- he really tries and puts a lot of effort into the realtionship

- the boys can never find out how much he truly cares because they'd tease him about it

- he'll still talk about you a lot

- and the boys are really happy that he's got such a great relationship

- the only time they're like was this really necessary is when he talks about something he did for you and their partners are life why do you never do those things for me

- his love language is probably acts of service or quality time

- right after hockey his main thing is making you happy

- he loves the level of intimacy that comes from being in love

- that you can talk and share your thoughts and space and just exist on a different level

- depending on where he is due to hockey he's fine with a long distance relationship even thought he'd rather have you close

- the second he's really settled somewhere he'd want you close again

- the type of boyfriend that would offer to pay for all your stuff with his hockey money so that you can move in with him

- until then he just wants to facetime a lot

- you often facetime late at night just to talk about the day

- but when you fall asleep on facetime he has a hard time hanging up because you look so cute

- even if you're like drooling onto your pillow

- there's a lot of sending each other pictures and songs you like and just talking about your day a lot

- i would not put it past him to write you a full on letter

- loves valentine's day because he can go and spoil you without any afterthought

- will totally get you a giant teddy bear wearing his jersey

- Dylan is great at remembering important dates and anniversaries

- mostly because he writes them all down and sets reminders

- he's really cuddly

- loves holding you and playing that protecter role for you

- but he has no problems being held and letting you take over

- loves sharing his clothes with you

- be it his hoodies, jerseys, or even just a beanie/toque

- especially when it's something with his name on it or something from hockey because it's a reminder that he managed to follow his dreams and become a professional athlete and that he managed to score such an amazing girlfriend on top of it

- he likes staying in way more than going out but when he takes you on dates they're great

- i feel like he's a sucker for soft romantic dates like star gazing or drive in movie theaters

- would probably make you matching friendship bracelets

- they're a bit wonky but they're filled with love

- all in all he's a sweet boyfriend that likes making you feel happy

originally published: 5th january 2021

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