Auston Matthews

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- Auston would be such a soft boyfriend

- he never really falls in love

- but when he does he falls hard

- like dreamy heart-eyes extraordinaire

- he's bad at talking about feelings

- especially his feelings

- so he either ignores them or tries to change the topic

- especially if it's about serious stuff because he'd like to avoid negative emotions at all cost

- his distraction tactics range on the ridiculous

- Auston tries to surprise you with pancakes for breakfast exactly once

- he burns them completely and never tries to make them again

- loves to spoil you though

- not in a "buying your love" kinda way

- but in a "I saw this and thought of you so I got it for you do you like it ?" kinda way

- just random small things

- drags you hiking sometimes

- especially when you're in arizona with his family

- it's really beautiful

- and he makes you a little bouquet out of wildflowers

- because he read somewhere that chicks dig that stuff

- he's correct tho

- his family absolutely adores you

- they were a bit wary when Auston told them he fell in love but once they met you they knew you were the perfect couple

- they could see how deeply you care for each other and that it wasn't just another fling

- knows you'll end up stealing all his hoodies so he buys a lot

- wears them until they're soft and smell like him

- then sneaks them into your things

- you love finding all the hoodies he hid for you when he's on a roadtrip

- gets you matching accessories

- but he loves your his and hers Cartier bracelets just the same as the friendship bracelets you made for him while babysitting teammates kids on date night

- okay maybe he likes the one you made way more but it's made with love obviously that's better

- his attempt at making one is questionable at best but he tried his hardest so you love him

- you still wear it proudly because your boyfriend is the cutest

- he orders food a lot because he doesn't want neither of you to cook so much but when you do you'll cook together

- he's really good at chopping up vegetables

- and you're really good at playing nurse when he accidentally cuts his fingers

- he will definitely insist you kiss it better

- same goes for hockey injuries

- Auston just gets a bit needy when he's hurt

- lots of cuddles and kisses and attention

- he likes it when the guys and their partners can all hang out with you but he's not really a double date guy

- group environments are chill but romance environments are a two people thing for him

- maybe it's because he's a bit embarrassed by how in love he is

- the only people that reaqlly know how much of a fool he is for you are his family, the Marleau's, the Tavares's, and maybe Mitch

- okay that's a lie

- all of his teammates know

- because he never shuts up about you

originally published: 27th july 2020

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