Mikko Rantanen

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- Mikko doesn't quite know how to express his feelings with words

- it takes ages before he even realizes he likes you

- and an eternity for him to ask you out

- he doesn't even plan anything

- it's the realization, panic, and asking you out all within 30 minutes

- your first date is kind of a disaster but one of those fun ones you'll remember forever and hold dear to your heart

- Mikko loves to make you laugh

- but he also loves to scare you so prepare for pranks

- he also puts all the important things on the top shelves

- the height difference oh my

- gives you forehead kisses all the time

- all of the hugs

- he always wants to touch you in any way

- he gets jealous easily

- but he's not the kind of guy that gets aggressive

- he just gets grumpy and needy

- "you spent all night with your friends so now you need to cuddle me to make up for it"

- napping together all the time

- sometimes he just wants to be the little spoon

- but if he's the big spoon one of his hands will just casually rest on a boob

- "i'm not touching your boob, i'm touching your heart"

- so many lazy days spent just chilling on the couch or in bed

- you'll end up eating an entire tub of ice cream for dinner one night

- "but Mikko that's not on the meal plan"

- "i won't tell if you won't"

- pinky promises are very serious

- he's the worst at keeping secrets though

- so that's always a conflict

- but you'll sort it out

- will flirt with you randomly

- like he'll come up to you and just hit you with the cheesiest pick up lines ever

- "no thanks i have a boyfriend"

- his smile can light up an entire room

- he's a bit clueless but always well meaning

- if you get sick he's super confused and scared but he'll try to help you get better

- he'll call his mom and Gabe and EJ and not Tyson because Tyson doesn't know stuff

- tries to cure everything with cuddling

- even when you tell him to go away because you don't want him to get sick

- "i don't care if i'll get sick, i just want to hold you"

- two days later he's sick and needs you to take care of him

originally published: 15th may 2019

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