Brandon Tanev

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- Brandon is very domestic

- he loves taking care of you

- bringing you stuff

- opening doors for you

- surprising you

- just spoils you all the time

- it's not even about getting you expensive gifts and vacations

- but picking you up some flowers or some treats from that cute little bakery you like

- he just loves to make you smile and wants to see you happy all the time

- an expert cuddler

- he's not afraid to go full pda

- not like make out in front of the team

- but more like being touchy feely

- holding hands, hugging you close, being affectionate

- he doesn't care if the boys tease him because he loves you

- and fines are fine because he gets to take you home

- loves date night

- not even super into going out to fancy restaurants

- he likes staying at home and cooking with you

- we all know that ad, right?

- don't worry you'll also get kisses

- apparenty he makes cookies and gifts them to teammates?

- how cute is that

- anyway

- he usually let's you do the chopping because he's not the best at it

- there's some emergency bandaids in the kitchen in case he gets a booboo

- but he likes it because it's a nice couples activity to do

- he'll look up new recipes all the time and tries to teach you some Macedonian ones

- he will definitely hug you from behind while you're trying to get something done

- like all the time

- nice strong gentle arms to hold you close

- likes to spoon

- and he's open to being the little spoon occasionally

- (actually likes it a lot but he also likes holding you because it makes him feel good knowing he could be a protector for you)

originally published: 2nd october 2020

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