Axel Jonsson-Fjällby

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- Axel is a gentle boyfriend

- he likes spending time with you

- calls you love and his favorite girl

- always tells you how proud he is of you and how much he loves you

- just a big fan of words of affirmation

- can get really shy when you compliment him in return though

- he really likes romcoms

- not only likes watching them with you

- but he also takes some inspiration from them

- brings you flowers or slow dances with you in the kitchen

- just really cheesy lovey dovey things

- in the morning is always really messy

- even if you didn't mess it up the night before he'll have bedhair

- always takes forever in the shower and uses up all the hot water

- but hey

- you could always just shower with him

- likes to hug you from behind

- just wraps his arms around you

- maybe sway a little

- making out with Axel is always deep and doesn't tend to go crazy

- he just likes to take things slow

- really draw it out and enjoy it

- he really likes that the two of you can just be together

- doesn't mind when you need some alone time

- he knows that sometimes you just need to be on your own for a bit and he doesn't feel like you love him any less because of that

- he tends to run hot so he keeps his home cold

- but if you're freezing he's more than ready to keep you warm

- be it by wrapping you all up in his arms or by giving you his big hoodies to curl up in

- Axel is also a total blanket hog

- even when you have extra blankets

- he'll just steal them too

- but it's really easy to forgive him when he makes his way into the kitchen in the morning, sleepy slow and with his hair all messy, pajama pants hanging low on his hips

- sometimes his hands just... end up in your pants

- if you're just laying on the couch and relaxing

- all cuddled up together

- his fingers just tend to wander and before you know it they're past the waistband of your pants

- it's not even in a sexual way, just a little habit

- makes him feel close to you

- dating Axel is just really sweet

- he's a great boyfriend that just really cares about you

originally published: 30th september 2022

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