Victor Hedman

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- he's secretly a giant softie

- will almost definitely only call you love/my love

- kisses with him are slow and passionate

- likes to go on long walks together

- maybe along the beach

- watch the sunset

- alway hugging you from behind

- gives forehead kisses

- gets them in return but only when he has a headache or looks annoyed

- spoils you for christmas

- and valentines day

- and your birthday

- doesn't dance

- but he'll sway with you for a bit

- before he'll step on your toes and stop dancing

- hates seeing you upset

- so he tries really hard to keep you happy all of the time

- and if that doesn't work and you get sad anyway he'll try really hard to make you smile again

- really low maintenance

- doesn't need much to feel appreciated

- mindful of the little things in life

- whenever he takes your car he fills up the tank before driving back home

- writes you little notes not to be cute but to actually tell you stuff

- he's the first one to say i love you

- he doesn't buy you flowers

- he buys you a flower

- only one

- no idea why but it's kinda cute

- definitely not clingy

- he knows you need your own space sometimes and accepts that

- sometimes he needs space too and he likes how the two of you just know that it doesn't hurt the other person if you just stay on your own for a few hours

- likes to cuddle on the couch

- with a giant blanket draped over you while watching movies

- which will most likely result in you falling asleep

- will walk into a store and get sanitary supplies

- just has a dead serious face that just dares somebody to make a stupid comment

- remembers your favorite cookies and buys some for you

- when he takes you on dates he always picks cute little spots where the two of you have some privacy

- opens car doors for you

- can't cook

- and whenever he tries he leaves the kitchen a giant mess

- but he cleans up after himself

- only in the kitchen though

- he will leave his clothes laying around everywhere

- likes to take baths together

- it's just a soft thing to do when he's stressed out

- will go all out

- i'm talking roses and candles and soooo many bubbles

- maybe champaign ?

- makes you feel wanted and desired and warm

originally published: 18th march 2019

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