Travis Konecny - MLM

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- Travis is a chaotic little gremlin filled with mischief and love

- he plays so many pranks on you but all of them are harmless

- but he also loves to be soft to you

- that mustard yellow hoodie everybody loves ? he lets you borrow it

- he only ever sleeps in his underwear except in winter then he'll also wear fuzzy socks

- he loves to cuddle and is a blanket hog so prepare yourself

- he loves it when you play with his hair

- too many romcoms

- like, y'all watch to all the boys i've loved before once and now his hand is always in your ass pocket

- together with complimentary words about how nice your butt his

- he just generally like touching your butt in like the most innocent way there is for butt touching

- but(t) like... you can also touch his so who's the real winner here

- hates it when you spent time with the boys and don't pay attention to him

- he'll just plaster himself all over your back and be like "that's my boyfriend, get your own"

- but he also wants all of you to get along so that's hard

- he has a couples name for you and matching outfits

- doesn't think roses do the job so he gets you food to surprise you

- will eat half of that food though

- he gets pouty if you don't wear his jersey on game days

- Travis will follow you around and just pout at you until you kiss him

- and then he'll make you wear his jersey

- if anybody ever makes a weird comment he's ready to throw down

- whenever you're about to... have some fun... and one of the guys tries to text any of you he will definitely send them a pic of the situation to tell them to fuck off

- he wants to thoroughly romance you but he can't really cook and isn't the best at gifts so he just looks up romantic quotes on sticky notes and puts them in all your stuff and around his apartment

- Travis want to take you to his lake cabin in the summer so that you can have a carefree love filled little getaway

- but like he also wants to fish and hunt a it you don't have to participate if you don't want to

- the first time he sees you in camo he busts a nut

- does that thing where he gets a truck and fills the back with pillows and blankets and then you drive out to a field and look at the stars

- and get bitten by a billion mosquitos but hey you can romantically put creme on each others bites ?

- is that cute in a gross way or gross in a cute way i can't tell

- he's a total charmer and even though he doesn't come of as eloquent as some other people might do he's not stupid

- he knows his feelings and how he sees your relationship and knows what he want

- he'd never push you but he would want to move pretty fast

- and i'm not talking about like sexual stuff because let's be real he'd be ready to go at it on the first date

- but he wants to define the relationship pretty fast, he want to call you his boyfriend and to make it official, for you to move in together and get a puppy and start planning a future

- but he knows that could overwhelm you so he tries to calm down a bit

- but like the hints he's throwing out are hard to miss

- when you spoon it depends on the day but he likes being the little spoon a bit more than being the big spoon

- but most of all he likes sleeping with you by his side

originally published: 23rd june 2019

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