Kevin Hayes

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- Kevin is a giant sweetheart

- he'd be the perfect boyfriend

- always putting in a lot of effort

- he always listens to you when you're rambling about your day

- AND he remembers details and asks questions

- he gets way too proud of himself when he holds doors open for you

- and he likes to play with your hair a lot

- can't braid for shit

- but at least he always has hair ties on him

- which is useful for you

- as well as Patty and Teeks and other flow-having teammates

- speaking of those two

- they're always at your place so you have buddy dates where you just go out and have fun as a group

- it's fun and cute until the kids complain about you smooching

- but who wouldn't want to smooch Kevin

- he's a surprisingly good cook

- very bad at doing the dishes tho

- like he will go all out making you a three course meal with nice veggies and a good wine

- light some candles

- nearly burns down the entire home because he didn't pay attention to those candles

- but it's fine, the fire department didn't have to come

- the biggest blanket hog

- like you have to wait until he's asleep and took all the blanket before you can get your secret second blanket

- but there's still a good chance you'll wake up in the middle of the night because he took that too

- the simple solution to that would be to just cuddle with him

- but ask yourself: do you really want to be burrito-d with that giant human spaceheater and two additional blankets?

- you can bever be the litte spoon

- because it starts out cute and then he'll turn around and suddenly you have a heavy hockey player squishing you

- the kind of guy when he's out with his friends you get snapchats from them of Kevin looking sad with captions like "he misses you"

- and it's true

- he misses you

- there's a 75% chance he takes up scrapbooking

- and there's also a 85% chance he wants a man cave

- but he'll also make you a little cave for yourself so you each have your little you-space to retreat to

- sooooo many forehead kisses

- loves it when he can rest his head on your thoughs or your tummy and have you run your fingers through his hair

- it will honestly make him fall asleep

- lowkey wants a dog but would be very satisfied with a fat lazy cat

- he always tels you how much he loves you

- and will get pouty until you tell him you love him too

originally published: 14th may 2020

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