Mario Ferraro

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- Mario is a really loving boyfriend

- very openly affectionate

- likes pda to a certain extend

- not in the "making out in public way"

- but in the "everybody knows you two are in love just by looking at you" way

- he's got major heart eyes for you

- brings home gifts all the time

- nothing expensive but he'll pick up some flowers on the way home or buys ice cream as a treat after a long day

- just little things

- Mario absolutely loves to cuddle

- you have a bunch of blankets laying around at home

- he'll just pick one up and snuggles in

- you'll find him in a blanket burrito on the couch on the regular

- and obviously you join him

- he's got such nice arms

- perfect for holding you

- he's also really good at comforting you when you're sad or sick

- you love listening to him talk

- when he's excited about a topic his eyes just light up

- you can just watch him talk about his interests for ages

- lay with your head in his lap and let him play with your hair while he does it and everything is perfect

- when you're out he always holds doors open for you

- not because he thinks you're too weak to open a door

- but it's the gentlemanly thing to do

- and he's a gentleman

- can get a little clingy when he's tired

- it always takes you ages to get out of the bed in the morning because he's attached like an octopus

- same at night when you go to bed

- you each climb in on your own side and he'll just immediately scootch over to be close to you

- he's got really cute bedhead

- whines a bit that the bed is too cold without you even if he has a warm and heavy blanket

- if not down for matching clothes then definitely down for matching pajamas

- he just thinks it's cute

- Mario is a really good kisser

- you're glad you're the one that gets to kiss him

- and he's glad that you want him to kiss you

- again and again and again

originally published: 4th september 2021

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