Owen Power

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- Owen is absolutely adorable

- he made like a 10 step plan on how to ask you out but in the end he just winged it

- stuttered a little when he asked you if he could kiss you for the first time

- he just looks so cute when he's all blushy and red

- doesn't like PDA

- but he also has to be touching you in some way 24/7

- even if it's just sitting next to each other and having your shoulders touch

- or sitting on opposite sides of the couch with your legs in his lap

- absolutely loves long hugs

- just wants to wrap you up in his arms and pull you close and maybe sway around a little

- cuddling is one of his favorite activities

- especially when the weather is all rainy or snowy or storming and you can just curl up together

- Owen likes to be the little spoon

- even if he's taller than you

- just likes being held tbh

- talking about height difference

- Owen definitely uses his height to his adventage, holding things over your head or placing stuff on the top shelves so that he has to take them down for you

- demands kisses as payment

- always bends down to kiss you but he loves it when you meet him halfway, standing on your tiptoes to try and reach him better

- thinks you're super cute when you attempt to be taller to reach him

- grab him by the hoodie and pull him down to you and he will just melt

- super cheesy pet names like angel or princess

- casual dates > fancy dates

- just spending time together, hanging out and watching a movie or talking

- Owen likes to just listen to you talk

- when he's on the road he'll call you and ask you about your day and just settle in to listen to you because your voice is one of his favorite things in the whole world

- totally fell asleep on the phone with you before

- snores

- just a little bit

- it's honestly really cute

- whenever he comes home from road trips he always likes to head to your place before his

- asks you to move in together pretty quickly just because he likes having you around and doesn't want to ever leave

- things with Owen move pretty fast but he never pressures you and is down to take it as slow as you need

- he's just the best boyfriend

originally published: 27th august 2022

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