Boone Jenner

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- Boone really likes being in control in the bedroom

- but he's not controlling as a boyfriend

- he's very sweet and respectful

- still always holds doors open for you

- when he's on the road he always leaves you little gifts

- just to surprise you a bit

- he absolutely loves to spoil you

- wants to take you shopping all the time just so he can shower you in new stuff

- even if you tell him you already have more than enough stuff

- just comes home with tons of gifts and little things he thinks you'll like

- he likes getting up early for some reason

- so sometimes he surprises you with breakfast in bed

- and he's really really good at making breakfast

- also good at cooking other things but his breakfasts really are next level

- he also loves to cook together

- will put on some soft music and open a nice bottle of wine and then dance around the kitchen with you

- he gets you a bottle of his aftershave just so you can put it on his hoodies when he's away and his clothes don't smell like him anymore

- the team can't know but Boone is a big baby

- he loves cuddling

- especially when you just relax on the couch

- he'll just lay his head in your lap and has you run your fingers through his hair

- it relaxes him

- makes him feel all warm and comfortable and soft and loved

- at first he was very selfconscious about his teeth around you

- and he was kinda scared to not wear them around you

- but as he gets more comfortable with you he stops wearing them at home all the time

- and he's also very cute without his teeth

- Boone actually blushes if you tell him that tho

- he always has the sweetest compliments for you

- like that man honestly just loves making you smile

originally published: 8th august 2020

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