Nick Robertson

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- Nick is a sweet guy

- he wants to be a good boyfriend to you

- especially since you're so young he wants to be careful to not rush you into things

- and he's not ready for a lot of stuff either

- but it's nice that you can figure stuff out together

- will definitely look for date ideas online

- like going to a drive in movie theater or stargazing

- he plans stuff out beforehand and actually goes and prepares and everything

- if he takes you out on a nice date it's gonna be a nice nice date

- not a big fan of super fancy restaurants

- more likely to take you to a nice vintage diner and share a milkshake or something

- so many movie nights

- Nick has super soft blankets and like really fucking nice pillows

- he's so great at building pillow forts it's ridiculous

- brings out a bunch of snacks and you two can just cuddle up

- depending on the movie or show there's gonna be some commentary

- actually really enjoys it when you fall asleep on him because it means that you feel safe with him

- and he always wants to make you feel safe

- big chance he's gonna fall asleep on you two

- he's an amazing cuddler

- not afraid to be the little spoon if you need to hold somebody because reasons

- lots of spontaneous hangouts too

- it's fine if one of you just comes over to like... nap

- just likes to hang out in the same space without necessarily having to do something special

- he just "forgets" his stuff at your place

- because that means two things

- you probably end up wearing his hoodies or stuff so he gets to look at you being all cute

- and when he gets them back there's a big chance that they smell a bit like you so he's reminded of you when he wears them again

- buys you those cute jewelry pieces with his name or initials are something like that

- friendship bracelets ?

- friendship bracelets

originally published: 3rd september 2020

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