Oliver Wahlstrom

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- Oliver is an absolute sweetheart

- he's chill and lets you set the pace

- but he also likes you a lot and wouldn't hide that from you

- not super clingy

- but clingy nonetheless

- especially when he's tired or sad and needs some physical affection

- just wants a good cuddle

- maybe be the little spoon or nap on your boobs

- just be close to you until he's good again

- would ask you to move in rather quickly

- because why not

- he's young and in love and wants to spend as much time as possible with you

- Oliver would absolutely home shopping with you for some reason

- just so many trips to ikea and other stores

- would buy way too many little trinkets and plants and blankets

- just wants to make your place a home

- lots of good old fashioned date nights

- likes taking you out for food and a movie

- tries really hard to make a restaurant "your spot"

- the same way he wants to have "your song" or an activity "your thing"

- because he thinks that's super cute

- maybe it's a little bit cringy but Oliver wants that #relationshipgoals kind of love

- he's not really a confrontational kind of guy and it's hard for him to talk about certain topics like him feeling sad or angry

- needs a lot of comfort but feels bad about it

- you just need to sit him down and tell him it's okay and that you're there for him if he needs to talk

- communication is important and you can help build each other up and support each other

- down to adopt a pet

- maybe a dog or a cat

- something to hold and play with

- probably a golden retriever puppy or something

- would definitely call you mom and himself dad

- talking about your little family

- he's a very proud boyfriend

- loves to show you off

- Olive is just an awesome boyfriend

originally published: 4th september 2021

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