Anthony Beauvillier - MLM

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- he would be so fucking soft for you

- like heart eyes all day every day

- he just loves you so much

- Tito would be so needy for attention

- always wants kisses and hugs

- and always ready to give them out

- but when you're cuddling he falls asleep really fast

- because he just feels so warm and safe in you arms how could he not fall asleep

- it doesn't matter that he wanted to stay up late as soon as you'll cuddle him he's out

- this helps a lot when he can't fall asleep because he's too nervous or something like that

- he's such a good cuddler though

- 10/10 would hold in my arms until the end of time

- and if he falls asleep on you well... at least you have a cute weighted blanket

- whenever he comes home he'd definitely yell "honey i'm home"

- and then he'll find you and gives you a giant smooch

- there are always friends over at your place

- because he wants you to get along with his friends really well

- and obviously he'd try to befriend all of your friends

- you can drink some cheap wine (like yeah he's got money now but cheap wine just hits different) and play board games

- and you can all laugh and have fun

- Anthony brings home food a lot

- just take out or fancy breakfast

- so he doesn't have to cook

- he can talk that sexy sexy french to you

- maybe even try and teach you some words

- so many cute nicknames

- including his little cabbage

- iykyk

- when the team is on the road and they go out you can expect snaps from the guys of Tito just looking lost and whining and saying "i miss my boyfriend"

- it's cute

- but that happens most of the time

- it's okay though because you miss him too

- and in the summer you can hang out at the beach house with the gang

originally published: 26th may 2020

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