Tyler Ennis

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- Tyler is a very soft and loving boyfriend

- he loves cooking together and sometimes he makes fancy dinner for you

- likes eating at home more than going out

- but he doesn't mind taking you out to some fancy restaurants

- because he loves seeing you all dressed up and pretty for him

- absolutely loves just cuddling on the couch with you

- especially if cozy blankets and trashy reality tv are involved

- also absolutely loves it when you fall asleep on him

- in bed he always wants to spoon

- he just feels good about himself when he can be a barrier between you and the world and protect you from literally nothing but it's the thought that counts

- i bet he's one of those people that have like one tiny pillow and that's it

- Tyler gives you his shirts to sleep in because they're comfy and smell like him

- but he also loves to see you wear them because you look so cute

- especially if you're curled up in one of his hoodies waiting for him when he comes home from a roadtrip

- depending on how tired he is he'll either curl up with you on the couch or he'll try to carry you to the bed

- he brings flowers home every so often just because

- there's vases all over the house

- loves to see you smile and will do anything to make it happen

- except tickle you because he's not evil

- he's secretly texting the better halves and his family for relationship advice and stuff he's too embarrassed to ask you

- because he wants to be the best possible boyfriend

- speaking about family and better halves

- his family absolutely adores you

- and your family thinks he's such a sweet guy

- your parents will absolutely question you about your plants for the future all the time

- but Tyler and you are thinking about it all the time but neither of you want to bring it up

- yet

- the better halves absolutely love you too and you often hang out with them

- he will totally get you a dog at one point or another

- Tyler seems like the kind of guy that just likes to have a bunch of pictures of your little family all around the house

- just have it nice and decorated and looking like a home and not those magazine looking condos some other players have

- he's the worst at chores but he insists that you share the work equally

- so he takes over the ones he's unlikely to mess up like taking out the trash

- definitely not laundry

- wants to pick up a hobby together

- like idk hiking?

- can you even hike in Edmonton?

- or another fun hobby

- but he also doesn't mind just chilling at home with you

- because at the end of the day that's still his favorite activity

originally published: 14th march 2020

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