Travis Dermott - MLM

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- Travis is a giant sweetheart most of the times

- well all of the time

- he wants to hang out with you as much as possible

- but that doesn't mean he's super clingy

- because if you don't want to hang or don't have time that's fine

- he can just hang with his boys

- but speaking about the team

- he'd totally love it if you and the guys became friends

- as long as you're not better friends with them than with him

- like yes you're boyfriends but you're also best friends

- but he's also very affectionate with the boys so you can't be jealous

- taking pregame naps together when he's playing at home because he sleeps better when he's holding you in his arms

- and if you can't sleep over for pregame naps he'll hug the pillow you usually sleep on

- so many funny instagram pictures

- like that failed attempt of him making dinner it's just pictures of you laughing in front of a very messy kitchen and a sad Travis covered in sauce with the caption "i try to do something nice for my boyfriend once and this is what happens"

- just imagine all off the chirpy comments

- he brings home small gifts for you all the time

- he will give you his sweaters and hoodies wether you like it or not

- but lets be real you like it

- at home he definitely always wears gray sweatpants

- and he freeballs

- which, you know, you can't complain about

- especially if you can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie or play video games

- i bet Travis is an adventure date kind of person

- like going hiking and kayaking or just to a park

- always trying to be active to burn energy so you can just nap later

- he'd be very bad about remembering dates

- so you need to mark down important dates like birthdays and anniversaries

- but even if he doesn't have the best memory he's got the best presents

- and he absolutely spoils you every time

- you literally have to tell him to stop buying you so much stuff

- so he starts crafting you things instead

- okay but think about how fun crafting together with Travis would be

- he'd make a giant mess but would be so cute

- just imagine him covered in paint

- he loves to hug you from behind all the time

- does that little thing where he sways from side to side

- always texts you the worst jokes and puns

- and pictures of his face when he's on the road so you don't miss his face

- he loves you a lot and wants you to know it

originally published: 22nd march 2020

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