Joel Farabee

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- Joel is nothing but sweet and chill

- he's very much a go with the flow guy and he just instantly had a good connection with you

- at first he's a bit unsure on how to talk to you but in the end he just goes in with a good old fashioned pickup line

- he says it wrong but he's just so charming you can't help but laugh

- which caused him to laugh too

- and damn does he have a pretty laugh

- Joel is a great texter but he does it very sporadically

- usually texts a lot when he's on the road and not so much when he's close to you

- sometimes he's super active wooing and charming you beyond compare in a single afternoon only to stop texting for a week and then make a comeback at 3am with a link to a song

- so many memes

- whenever he sees something he thinks you'll like he'll take a picture and sends it to you

- i feel like sometimes when he's close to falling asleep he'll send you mumbled voice messages because he doesn't want to open his eyes to type but he wants to keep talking to you

- stays up late to talk to you even when he's on the road but when he gets home too

- Joel loves spending time with you

- you don't even have to go do exciting stuff even just hanging out at home is awesome for him

- he likes having you close but you don't need to be on top of each other

- maybe he can play some games with the boys while you do your own thing on the other side of the couch

- or take a pregame nap while you chill in the living room

- it's like quality time you know

- and hanging out at home is the best because you can just wear comfy clothes and chill

- loves it when you wear his clothes

- not just stuff with his number but actually his clothes

- especially when his hoodies smell like you afterwards

- he likes to take them on the road with him because it makes him miss you a little bit less

- he likes going out with the guys just fine or being outdoorsy when he's home but most of the time he'd rather just chill

- with you

- unless you want to go out and have an adventure because you just need to mention that to Joel and he'll come up with a cool play

- like you tell him you'd like a date in nature and he like organizes a scavenger hunt in a park

- and like a picnic with just snacks he bought

- because he lowkey can't cook but still wantes to have a nice day with you

- makes a mean cereal though

- loves napping together and having you run your fingers through his hair

- especially when you tug on it a little

- maybe scratch his back a bit

- he'll just lay down on top of you

- be your own personal weighted blanket

- very innocently

- or very not innocently

- when you're sleeping together and cuddling he definitely loves being the little spoon

- Joel just really appreciates being held

- he's always so fucking vocal

- might ramble a bit but he loves talking to you and with you and telling you how much he loves you

- the weirdest fucking nicknames

- definitely brags about you all the time

- makes you playlists

- all the time

- he even tries to make it music you'll enjoy and not just music he likes that he thinks you should listen to

- would definitely move really fast like you start dating and he'll ask you to move in with him like a month later

- just because you just vibe so well

- and you really do vibe really well

originally published: 26th may 2021

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