William Nylander

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- at first you don't even realise that Willy is into you

- he's just not good at feelings and relationships and stuff

- so he doesn't know how to approach that topic with you

- but he knows that he likes you so he tries

- and he's not as bad in the relationship department as he thinks he is

- once he moves past his insecurities it's great

- Willy tries hard to be a good boyfriend

- he loves being around you and you being around him and just enjoying each other's company

- likes talking about feelings

- would want you to move in with him pretty fast

- he's just gone a lot and it would be nice to come home to you

- pretty good with chores and everything

- when he was growing up him and his siblings each had to do chores and he just never stopped when he started living at home even with enough money to pay somebody to do them for him

- he picks up after himself and makes sure your home is good

- really hard to wake up in the morning

- if you try to wake Willy up he'll turn over and pull the blanket over his head

- you have to try real hard to get him to get up

- maybe make some coffee to wake him up a bit

- but he's always appreciative of you making him coffee in the morning because he knows he's a grump and you're a saint for putting up with him

- it takes him a bit to get him to wake up enough to talk

- he's very affectionate though

- he runs around naked a lot

- that's just how he is

- when he comes home from practice he just strips down

- and he doesn't get dressed again until he has to leave for games

- William introduces you to his friends and family rather quick

- brings you to games and gets you set up with the WAGs before introducing you to the boys after they win (scoring the gwg just for you)

- he's always in contact with his family, texting and calling them all the time

- and when he's catching up with them during a group video call he'll just pull you into the picture and introduces you to everyone

- you get added to the family groupchat and have a standing invite to join in on the calls

- his siblings also immediately offer to trade embarrassing stories

- Willy makes you take his thotty instagram pictures for him

- at least they turn out nice

- he takes you out on so many spontaneous dates

- just brings up an idea and 5 minutes later you're on the way

- likes having fun so dates are never boring

- but he also loves just hanging out with you at home

- laying on the couch with his head in your lap and you playing with his hair

- when he's on the road he calls you at night because he can fall asleep easier when you're with him

- napping together with Willy is the best

- just lots of closeness and soft kisses

- sweetest boyfriend

originally published: 4th september 2021

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