Chapter 5 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate

Start from the beginning

"Well, our dead are dead! But they're...not? Uh-" Shouko tried her best to explain.

"They're being held somewhere. Somewhere...not on these camping grounds, that's for sure." I covered for her.

"W-What?!?" The utter bewilderment on Kenjiro and Satoshi's faces was immeasurable yet again.

Now I understand why Shouko didn't want to tell us at first.

"They're definitely dead! They just haven't been...put to peace yet? Like walking, talking, corpses...?" I continued.

"Z-Zombies?" Satoshi wondered.

"No! Now that's just not possible." I sighed.

"So zombies aren't possible...But our dead friends not being dead but somehow looking like corpses are?!?" Kenjiro exclaimed.

"When you put it like that..." Shouko trailed off.

"Just- Ugh!" I struggled with my words. "Just ignore the dead friends for now! Let's just call wherever they are...Purgatory! Sure, that's it! Purgatory!"

"I'm still confused," Satoshi stated.

"Same here." The psychologist reciprocated.

"You guys- Ok, the main point about purgatory is that-"

"Shimura wasn't there!" Shouko interjected.

"Thank you!" I exhaled a deep breath of relief when she finally assisted my explanation.

"Although, I didn't see purgatory that clearly. Maybe he was there and I just didn't see..." she mumbled, yet we all very clearly heard.

"S-Shouko?!?" I called out to her. "What the hell happened to you backing up my point?"

"Sorry." She lowered her head once again. "B-But there's more evidence than that! He was speaking with the mastermind just a few weeks ago!"

"The mastermind?!?" Satoshi and Kenjiro's panicked voices got even higher, the confusion just piling on.

We're not helping at all, are we?

"The mastermind- Er, Kei - Is not important right now! In fact, we don't even know if he is the mastermind or not, so settle down!" I commanded. "But let's face it, no one talks to dead people-"

"I do," Shouko interjected once again.

"...No one talks to dead people - except Shouko - so he definitely wouldn't talk to Shimura unless he was alive and in hiding somewhere!"

"Kei? As in...Kei Shizuka?!?" Satoshi paused. "He can't be the mastermind! I mean...He's...He's Kei Shizuka! What business does he have killing us?!?"

"I just said we didn't know if he is or not! And you're just saying that because you like him!" I repeated. "But again, that's not the point of our conversation now, is it? Shimura is definitely alive, and I'm trying to explain that to you as best as possible!"

It was true that by 'best as possible', I meant I was trying my best and failing miserably. I probably wouldn't get this either.

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