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Y/n's pov:

As i was about to pick Carter up from school, i saw a blonde girl talking to him

I parked my car, putting it on park. I got out and walked to them. "Hey, uhm, who are you?" I asked the blonde with a tight-lipped smile

Kara's pov:

As i was talking to Carter, well I'm mostly doing the talking. A intimidating, beautiful, H/C girl walked up to us.

"Hey, uhm. Who are you?" She asked. I looked up at her. She had a tight-lipped smile on her face

"I'm Kara Danvers. I'm here to pick Carter up" i answer with a small smile.

"By who's orders?" She asked. Rao this girl was intimidating.. And gorgeous.

"By Cat Grant's orders. She told me to take care of Carter because she has an event to attend." As mentioned Miss Grants name, the girl's smile faded and turned into a cold look.

"Okay. I'm actually his sister. Y/n Grant." She gave me a small smile but instantly faded. "Well, you guys should get going."

Y/n's pov:

"Can you go with us, Y/n?" Carter said looking at me. I sigh then nodded. I didn't want to face my mother. Years after she left us I became the parent Carter and Adam never had.

I only see Adam twice a month but i still got to take care of him and get to know him. I stopped going to Adam's when i turned 20 because of Carter.

I stay with Carter because father is always busy with his work, and he's also an alcoholic.

"Funny thing, I don't have a car with me." Kara said. I turned to her with a confused look

"Then, how did you get here?" I ask

"A bus." She answered looking down.

"We can use my car." I said then walked to my car with the two following.

Carter got in the back seat and Kara got in the passenger seat. I drove to CatCo and parked my car outside.

We got in the elevator and got to my mother's office. Kara was called by some guy in a plaid shirt, while me and my brother were sitting by Kara's desk.

I was on my laptop, going through some emails and texts by the company i own. Kara walks over to us.

"Hi, is there anything i can get for you guys?" She asks as she stood next to me.

I shook my head no, while Carter got up from his seat and said "Supergirl!" I followed his eyes that lead to multiple monitors on the wall.

"Oh, you like Supergirl?" Kara asked with a smile. Carter was looking up at the TV with a smile.

"She's so cool. Last week, she stopped Reactron. Superman never did that. And earlier she caught an entire building. And she can shoot lasers out of her eyes." Carter said fan-girling over supergirl.

I just smiled at Carter on how he's being so open to Kara. "Wow, she does sound pretty cool." Kara says

"I didn't say she was pretty." Carter said looking down a little then looked back up on the TV

"I didn't say you said she was pretty." Kara said slightly stuttering with her words. "Why? Do you think she's pretty?" Kara asks walking up to my brother.

"Well, I guess. I don't know." Carter said making me smirk at his response.

"Carter, do you maybe have a little crush on Supergirl?" Kara said with a smile

"You know she's like twice your age right?" I said then the guy with the paid shirt stood up

"You got good taste, kid." He said

"This is my friend Winn." Kara introduces him. I stood next to Carter, giving Winn a small wave.

"Winn, this is Carter and his sister, Miss Grant." She introduces us.

"Nice to meet you" he says, i nodded in response. Winn then turned to my brother "You're a Supergirl fan, huh? You know.." He said then leaned  forward a bit "I know her" he whispered.

I tilt my head a little bit then crossed my arms

"No, you don't." Carter said not believing what he said.

"No, you don't" Kara did the same but in a different tone.

"I mean, like.. i feel like i know her." Winn said stammering with his words "because she's always there for people. You know, she's helping out. Saving those who need saving." Winn chuckled.

His smile faded as he looked at my mother's office. "Uh, especially those who, um, run out of staples." He said making you three look at a guy who is having troubles with the stapler.

I heard my phone that was on Kara's desk ring. I walked to Kara's desk taking my phone and checked the contact. It was Maya, my ex.

Maya and I dated for 2 years, we broke up because i caught her cheating on me with my bestfriend. It's been 8 months since we've broke up.

I frowned and declined the call then placed my phone back on Kara's desk. I sat on the extra chair that was next to Carter's and started to check the rest of my emails.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Carter said sitting back on his seat facing me. My eyes were still on my laptops screen, but i had a small frown on my face.

"Yeah, why wouldn't i be?" I said with my eyes still glued to the screen, i typed on my keyboard, replying to my assistant's texts. She informed me that i have a meeting on Monday.

"You don't usually decline calls like that. And you have a frown on your face." Carter explains. I face him as i sighed.

"It was Maya who called." I said and Carter gave me a confused face. I didn't tell him about me and Maya's break up, because he loves Maya.

Maya would pick him up on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, then they would spend the rest of the day together.

I told Maya to not tell him because he was still a kid.

"But, you love Maya. Why would you decline her call?" He asks.

Kara's pov:

"But, you love Maya. Why would you decline her call?" I heard Carter say as me, and James were talking.

"Who's Maya?" I thought to myself. I know i shouldn't eavesdrop, but i couldn't help it because of my super hearing.

James then walked back to Cat Grants office. "That guy knows Superman, right?" Carter asked me once him and his sister stopped talking.

"Yes, he does." I smiled at Carter.

"Do you think he could get Superman to introduce me to Supergirl?" He asks looking at James who was reading the files i gave him

"You are definitely your mother's son" i chuckled a little bit. I heard my phone ring.

I checked the contact that said 'Alex' then answered the call. I put my phone against my ear. "Yeah, what's up?" I said

Y/n's pov:

"On my way." I heard Kara say then started to walk away but turned to us.
"I have an emergency errand to run." Kara said.

I looked up at Kara. She gave me a small smile then rushed out.

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