"Did you have dinner?" She asked.

"Yes" I lied.

They didn't feed me today, but everytime I told her the truth that I didn't eat, she would give me her food and then she would have to starve. I didn't want that to happen.

"Well I brought this just in case you didn't"

She took something out of her bag. It was round and dark brown. It was wrapped in paper.

"I see you look confused. You don't know what this is?" She asked pointing at it.

I shook my head in embarrassment.

She smiled, "This is a cupcake"


"It's like a soft, sweet bread"

"Why is it brown?'

"Oh! That's because it has chocolate in it"

I barely knew what chocolate was. I only knew it because I sneaked in the kitchen once and saw something that said 'chocolate' and tried to eat it.

It was so tasty but I got in so much trouble that day.

"You...you know what chocolate is, right?" She asked. Her voice had some sort of emotion that I couldn't point out.

"Yes" I said with a smile.

"Okay, well, I brought this for us to eat. We can split it in half"

"Oh, I shouldn't eat this" I said waving my hands, "Father won't like it"

"Hey, your father doesn't have to know, okay?" She whispered.

She split the cupcake in half and then took one piece from one half, "Here, say ah" She said with a cute smirk.

I felt my face getting hot, but opened my mouth like she told me.

When she put that piece in my mouth, I felt overwhelmed. It felt like my mouth got shivers. I wanted to cry at how good this was and at the fact that I'll probably never have it again.

"Like it?" She asked.

I nodded still feeling overwhelmed by the taste. I was so hungry but I knew that that wasn't the reason why I loved it so much. It was because it was just so good.

"Here, have some more" She said feeding me the next piece.

I was a little flustered being fed by her, but for some reason I didn't want to stop her. I liked being taken care of by her. I liked that her attention was on me. I liked that she cared about me.

Although sometimes I wished that she didn't. Like when she risked getting in trouble for me. Or when she was sad because of my situation. Those times I wish she just hated me.

"Good, huh?" She asked with a smile when I finished my half.

I was still hungry and still wanted more, but I wasn't going to take her half. She had to eat this too.

"Have this too" She said giving me her half.

I firmly shook my head, "No, I'm full"

"Your belly is still flat, you're not full at all"

"It's okay, I shouldn't be eating this anyway. You have to eat too" I told her pushing her hand that was holding the other half.

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