..:: Forty-One ::..

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The new year came and went and it was now mid January 1995. Preparation for the album and its upcoming tour had quickly taken over Michael's schedule. From meetings to phone calls, ideas were exchanged and brainstormed among all involved.

As he sat at his desk in thought he sighed, tapping a pen along the notepad lay before him. Notes and thoughts scribbled upon the paper as they came to mind. He was to have a meeting with MTV in the coming weeks out of state, New York to be precise. He was looking forward to yet and yet not so much as he would have to leave for a few days.

With the holidays far behind them, he and Sarah were closer than ever. And with that, it would soon be time to meet his family and closest of friends.

He had been contemplating the fact for some days now, albeit a little worried on how they would react, and or accept the engagement after only a few short months.

Surely his mother and Janet would accept their union, but the rest was up for discussion.

Jotting down more notes he lay his head upon the glossy cherry wood with a sigh, feet tapping aimlessly below. In all honesty, Michael was becoming bored sitting at his desk. As much as he enjoyed doing all he does, there were many days where his thoughts would wander and scatter to the winds.

The phone at his side began to ring, the all too familiar number of his mothers home flashed upon the caller ID.

Perhaps sooner than one might think.


"Hi Michael, am I disturbing you, baby?"

"Never, mother." He smiled brightly. "How are you?"

"I am well. I just wanted to see how you've been doing. You've been crossing my mind a lot the last few days."

Michael chuckled. "I'm ok, don't worry. How was your new year holiday?"

"It was good, although I wish you could have been here with us."

"Well, I know it's not the same, but please come see me. I have something to tell you."

Katherine sighed. "Can you tell me over the phone? I don't want to take you away from anything important."

"This can only be explained in person. Please?"

"Of course, perhaps later on this afternoon?"

He smiled once more. "That would be great. I'll see you then. I love you, mother."

"And I love you, my baby. See you then."

Setting the phone back upon the cradle Michael smiled. This was it. Would this be accepted by his family?

Running a hand through tousled ebony curls he sighed, eyes shifting back to the notebook. Notes from Sarah lay in a separate book, her delicate handwriting composed and weaving a tale of only she could create. She had so many ideas for the tour, never had he known someone with so much creativity aside from his own.

The soft touch of hands came to rest upon his shoulders, and he leaned back against the welcoming warmth of Sarah's chest.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey yourself," she pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, c'mere." Michael motioned for her to sit upon his lap.

Sarah carefully sat down and leaned fully in the warmth of Michael's arms. Moments like this meant the world to her. To be in the comfort of one another's arms was her favorite place to be out of all, never had she felt so deeply appreciated and loved until he came into her life nearly five months ago.

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