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Chapter 161. Dowry displaying day

On November 23rd was Su Family’s marrying out daughter’s dowry add on.

Today was a rare sunny day. The winter sun was shining warmly on people’s bodies. Su Family had started to make preparations for Eldest Miss's dowry display long ago.

Today, You Jin wore a jade-colored ruskirt with a peach-red undertone. The jacket outside was a double-embroidered crabapple and a white rabbit lining. The makeup on her face was also a peach blossom makeup in accordance with the occasion. She looked dignified and elegant without losing charming.

"I've heard that Eldest Miss of Su Family is outstanding. Seeing her today once is better than hearing about it a hundred times!" You Ling's future husband's family’s old Madam rarely came out. Today it was to interact with people from the wealthy circle of Luohe Prefecture. Secondly, was to get closer to the future in-laws.

You Jin sat below of old Madam Cui. She nodded slightly and smilingly replied: "Thank you, old Madam Cui for your compliment."

Seeing her being so courteous, old Madam Cui secretly approved in her heart, knowing to advance and retreat, while being generous and dignified. Certainly a good one. This old Madam Cui also came from a scholarly family. At the beginning, she knew that her son and daughter-in-law had arranged for a countryside girl for grandson. Although there was a signage bestowed by the emperor, she still had some doubts in her heart. How good could they be?

Now she met Su Family's eldest daughter today and saw that she was much better than their granddaughter in terms of appearance, character, temperament, and implementing the rule of advance and retreat. Hearing that Su Family’s fifth daughter, who was chosen by son and daughter-in-law, was taught by Su Family's eldest daughter, the prejudice she had was lessened despite not seeing her yet.

Speak of the devil. You Ling and You Luo outside heard that there were distinguished guests coming, so they came to pay respects very politely.

Old Madam Cui looked at You Ling who was standing in the hall and properly greeting. With critical eyes, she wished she could see even a strand of hair clearly and wanted to pick out some faults.

You Ling didn't know that it was old Madam of the Cui family who was sitting on the top seat. After saluting, she stepped back and sat on the side without saying a word. A proper smile remained on her fair face all the time. There was a strange feeling in her heart. Old Madam kept staring at herself?

Old Madam Cui had always been at odds with that daughter-in-law. Naturally, she was a little dissatisfied with the marriage that she decided on her own even when major matters like marriage were decided by her parents. Although she had opinions, she can't influence them. So she could only find fault from granddaughter-in-law and fight with her daughter-in-law.

Back to Madam Cui, who was also present today. Just now she was talking with other wives at the front. Only now, she came to the parlor.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You Ling has grown more and more pretty." Madam Cui looked amiable and she was very satisfied with the daughter-in-law she had chosen. When she entered the parlor and saw You Ling, she merrily chatted with her.

You Ling got up to greet her: "Good day, Madam Cui."

She had met Madam Cui and knew she was her future mother-in-law. Although she was a little shy, she greeted her with a slightly red face.

Madam Cui and her old mother-in-law being at odds wasn’t a matter of a year or two. In order to make face for her future daughter-in-law, she must perform well in front of the ladies of the family. Then she led You Ling to old Madam Cui and gave another salute.

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