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Chapter 23. Meat bun

In the main room, the case of Mrs. Chen's pilfering old Mrs. Chen's money made both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have grudges in their hearts. No one discover that someone outside the half-opened window had listened to everything they said and told You Jin all about it.

You Jin, who had already finished feeding the pigs, listened to You Zhu talked about what happened in the main room. She rested her chin with one hand and pondered for a while before instructing You Zhu: "Don't tell anyone other Third Elder Sister what you just heard. Understand?"

With a piece of candy in her mouth, You Zhu nodded earnestly, "Understood."

Third Elder Sister told them more than once that the family affairs shouldn't be told to others. Especially the secret with Third Elder Sister. Can't even tell mother.

The few little girls hid in the west wing and each ate a small piece of candy first. Then at noon, they divide the big meat buns that You Jin bought from the market. Because Yue Family's lunch only involved the main room and the east wing. West wing's Yue Chang Lu didn't eat lunch at home. So Mrs Su and the few money-wasting things had no lunch.

Although the meat buns bought by You Jin were expensive, they were big, good value buns. They have cooled down. The fatty and fragrant gravy immediately fills the whole mouth, when bitten into. This made people unable to stop. One bite came after another. The size of an adult man's fist buns were all eaten up. Even little Ninth, the youngest, ate a big bun in one go. Afterward, her mouth were still smacking. She was a little unfulfilled even when she took a nap.

After everyone finished eating the buns, You Jin opened the doors and windows of the west wing to ventilate. Once the aroma of the meat buns in the house dissipated with the autumn wind, she closed the doors and windows with eased mind.

Mrs. Su, who hadn't had meat or fish for a long time, felt satisfied after eating a big meat bun. She latched on You Jin to ask about today's market trip.

Except for little Seventh, little Eighth, and little Ninth, who had already taken a nap, the rest stared at her. She pretended to smile mysteriously, and whispered: "When I take it out, don't let out a shout. If you attract others over, it will be trouble!"

You Yin, You Pearl, and You Bao reached out their hands to cover their mouths and nodded obediently: "En!"

Their eyes closely followed You Jin, for fear that they had missed something.

Under the expectant eyes of Mrs. Su and the few younger sisters, You Jin took out a heavy purse from her pocket and then poured out all the silver in it on Mrs. Su's kang.

"So much money!" Mrs. Su whispered. Unable to believe her eyes. "There's around several silver coin, right?"

"Wow!" The younger sisters still didn't know how much money they had. Hearing what their mother said, they all exclaimed in low voices. So much money!

You Jin merrily replied: "Eight wild chickens exchanged seven silver coin, and four hares exchanged four! There were also two dead wild chickens for eighty cents. The meat buns and candies were for thirty cents. So now there is still one silver liang and fifty cents!"

After listening to You Jin's announcement of the correct number, even Mrs. Su was a little surprised: "So much money? Is wild chickens and hares worth that much?"

"The price of meat isn't low. The rich people in the city like to eat some game. The price of these mountain goods is naturally higher. Besides, the hare's skin ca still be sold for money? Naturally, it is more valuable." With a smile, she put the money back into her purse, and then stated, "I will keep the money in my custody. When we leave Yue Family in the future, I will definitely to let Mother and younger sisters suffer too much."

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