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Chapter 82. You reap what you sow

Su Family's breakfast today was personally cooked by Mrs. Su. Although they were all simple meals, they tasted much better than the dishes the two of them had last night. Xiao Lin Feng nodded while eating: "Delicious! "

Xiao Lin Yu’s appetite had been whetted and drank two bowls of fragrant and delicious round grain rice congee before putting down the porcelain bowl in his hand: "Thank you, Auntie Su, for your hospitality."

His impression of Su Family was getting better and better. Though their origin was a small countryside household, the sisters were all literate and knew some self-defense skills. This goes to show the family head had a long-term vision. The eldest daughter was only twelve or thirteen years old. There was no man in the family, but they can still have this family business. In time, Su Family might also have a piece of the fat in Luohe Prefecture. It was really worth socializing with this family.

Mrs. Su had a wide grin and said: "Gentleman Xiao saved our family's You Jin. It’s us who should thank you. This is what we should do." The breakfast ended happily in a very harmonious atmosphere. After the meal, You Jin and Xiao Lin Yu had a private conversation for a while. Only then Xiao brothers bundled up the locked up in the firewood room five pigs who starved all night and were bitten by mosquitoes with nowhere to hide and went to Luohe Prefecture.

With Xiao Family’s face, even a small crime can be a big crime. What’s more, it was bandits who were blocking the road and committing robbery? Lord Qin, the magistrate of Luohe Prefecture, naturally wouldn't offend the famous Xiao family for a few fake bandits. So he sentenced old Third Chen and the group to fifty hits and ten years' imprisonment on the spot.

He Liu and the others who heard the verdict all collapsed on the ground as if their strength had been sapped away and then began to cry loudly. Some even directly kicked old Third Chen: "It's all your fault! ! If you hadn't said you wanted to rob Su Family, how could we have ended up like this!"

Old Third Chen's arm was broken now. And he still had to suffer 50 board hits and be imprisoned for ten years. He felt the world was spinning and couldn't even remember his last name. How can he feel anything else? Seeing the five wailing men, a few jailers disgruntledly dragged them away. Smelling the stench of excrement from their bodies, they couldn't help spitting: "With this little capability, you learn to be a bandit! "

Beaten bloody with only half their lives left and thrown in the big prison, the five men looked at the dark and narrow cell. There was also the sound of rats squeaking coming from all around. No matter how they refuse to accept this reality, they can only accept it.

Back to old Third Chen's wife. She didn't know that old Third Chen and others conspired to kidnap You Jin for silver. It was common for old Third Chen to stay away for a day or two. So she didn't think much. It was when old Third Chen didn’t come back on the fifth day that she belatedly realized that something might have happened to old Third Chen!

Old Third Chen's wife went to the homes of the people who were normally close to old Third Chen and discovered that those people had disappeared in the past few days. Only then was old Third Chen's wife convinced that something happened to them!

Old Third Chen and the others were all penniless and the magistrate gave instructions to ‘serve them well’. It went without saying no jailer would be so kind as to report to their home. Even if old Third Chen's wife had grown wings this time, she still wouldn't know where old Third Chen was. Later, news from an unknown source said old Third Chen and others were going to do a transaction that can earn two thousand liang silver. Only then, Old Third Chen's wife beat her chests and cried at home: "This unscrupulous guy got the money and eloped with that b*tch!"

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