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Chapter 103 Glutinous Rice Seeds

In a blink of an eye it was midwinter again.

Now Su Family’s girls no longer jog along the river embankment. The guard leader left by Xiao Family led them to learn some attack moves for half an hour every morning. One, for self-defense. Second, for physical fitness. Originally, Mrs. Su felt distressed for the youngest. So Su Kang didn't practice martial arts. But since autumn, Su Kang not only had to attend classes every day, but also practiced martial arts. Although it was tiring, the daily half an hour was quite effective after a number of months. Initially, when the seasons changed and they weren’t careful, his little body would suffer from illness. This year, he had entered the winter safely.

Over the past few months, Mrs. Su had watched her son's changes. If she said she was unhappy, it would be a lie. Although she didn't want to admit that she raised her son wrongly before, Mrs. Su knew that the current way was good for her son.

"Eldest Sister, I'm going to study." Su Kang bowed his head respectfully and bidded goodbye to You Jin. Now Su Kang's daily schedule can be said to be full: get up in the morning to practice for half an hour. Then he had to arrive in the study room for two hours in the morning and in the afternoon to learn from Teacher Chen. The Su Family’s girls were the same as Su Kang in the morning, but in the afternoon they learned qin, chess, calligraphy and painting with Yu Lan in the backyard. Although Yu Lan's qualification in the collection of classics and history wasn’t as good as Teacher Chen, she was raised as a talented girl since young age. She can show off her qin-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting. In line with the idea that having too many skills won’t be a disadvantage, You Jin naturally arranged it for her younger sisters.

You Jin nodded: "Before you go, change your clothes and drink some hot ginger soup to drive away the cold."

Although Younger Brother's body was better than before, he still needed to take care of it. Since the beginning of winter, the kitchen had prepared ginger soup every day. After the master finished their exercises and washed up, it happened to be 80% hot. Shortly after drinking it, the whole body can warm up.

"Understood. Eldest Sister, I'll go then." Su Kang nodded. Afterward, he walked back in small steps from the backyard where the martial arts was practiced to the front yard. Children were forgetful and it was easy to correct any bad habits. Seeing her younger brother's chubby body disappearing around the corner, You Jin heaved a heavy sigh of relief. Better late than never. If she waited until Younger Brother was a few years older, she might have to spend a lot of effort to correct these things.

After freshening up, she wore a pink floral brocade dress with a white rabbit fur jacket. It further enhanced You Jin’s ruddy appearance. Because she hadn’t come to age yet, her cloud-like strands were tied into two buns and adorned with a peach red ribbon. The young girl's delicate appearance fell into the eyes of the maid who waited upon her. The maid mentally remarked: Eldest Miss is truly powerful. She is good-looking and can make money. Don't know which family’s gentleman or young master will be lucky enough to marry Eldest Missl in the future.

"When we come out of the West Market, we will go to Elder Sister You He's house first. Then we will go to Yunweixuan." Today, You Jin had an appointment with a merchant in the West Market to negotiate a deal and remembered the matter Third Master Huang mentioned last time.

This year's harvest was good. The people in Luohe Prefecture have enough to eat and got some spare cash in their hands. In addition, the inland waterway transportation was very convenient now. After winter, there will be no shortage of people in Luohe Prefecture.

Now outside the South City Gate from Wuliqiao to Luohe Prefecture, there were many merchants and farmers along the coast because the pier of the Luohe Prefecture route was located there. Before entering the city, You Jin can hear the lively shouts and bargaining outside from within the mule cart. There was also the aroma of fresh meat wontons leaking through the cracks of the mule cart. All of these indicated the earth-shaking changes that had taken place in the last two-three years.

Eldest Sister, Why Haven't You Married Yet  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon