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Chapter 78 The Whistleblower

"Your father wants to kidnap me. Why did you come and tell me?" Sitting at the top of the parlor, You Jin looked at the girl standing in front of her with burning eyes: "What are you aiming for?"

Taking in this ragged and disheveled person, You Jin couldn't help but think of her days in Cuifeng Village. It wasn’t that she was unwilling to help someone with the same fate as her. What if it was a cover-up? You Jin was very familiar with old Third Chen's ‘great achievement’. In addition, You Jin deeply suspected it was old Third Chen who wanted to sneak into her house to steal things last time!

Standing in this parlor with warm candles and a faint fragrance, Chen Xiao Hong glanced at defensive Su You Jin. Her initial courage had long since disappeared. Now she only felt she was impulsive for a moment and resulted in her neither being able to leave or stay.

Unconsciously, both her hands grabbed the cuffs of her coarse linen clothes that had been washed white. Chen Xiao Hong lowered her head. After a long time, she murmured: "I don't want to live in this house anymore..."

Although her voice was low, You Jin's ears were very sharp. Hearing what she said, she asked: "You don't want to live in your house anymore, so you want to exchange this news for me to help you escape from Chen's house?”

After a pause, she looked Chen Xiao Hong up and down: "Or do you want to come to our house?" Chen Xiao Hong felt a little guilty when she asked such a straightforward question. Naturally, she dared not say that she had truly wanted to rely on this news to exchange for her to stay in Su’s house to live a good life.

Looking at Chen Xiao Hong with guilt written on her face, You Jin sneered: "Just now you said that your father wasn’t human and wanted to kidnap me for money. Are you the same, using this news to kidnap me now, so that you can live a better life?"

Hearing Su You Jin classifying herself as the same kind as the beast she hated the most, Chen Xiao Hong clenched her hands tightly into fists. She gritted her teeth and stated, "I'm not!"

As always, You Jin only cared about her own family's affairs. She never wanted to meddle in other people's affairs. After all, kindness had been regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs since ancient times. Seeing that she said this, You Jin uttered: "Then what do you want? A debt of kindness be repaid? If it is true, the favor I should repay will naturally become true."

At the beginning, Chen Xiao Hong just wanted to rely on this news to climb onto Su Family’s boat. But before she could say this, mighty Su You Jin blocked off this route. Except for this, she couldn’t think of any condition so suddenly.

Seeing that she hesitated for a long time without saying a word, You Jin sighed. In the end, her heart softened a little: "It's getting dark now, go back and think about it slowly."

After finishing speaking, she asked Uncle Song to send her out.

"Eldest Miss, from what I see, Chen Family’s lass seems to be telling the truth. Old Third Chen would really be bold enough to come and kidnap you?" After sending Chen Xiao Hong away, Uncle Song worriedly asked You Jin who was still sitting in the parlor: "Why don't we report to the official! Let the officials arrest them?"

However, You Jin solemnly shook her head: "We don't have evidence now. No one will care about it even if we got a hold of an official." She didn't miss the hatred for old Third Chen in Chen Xiao Hong's eyes just now. Although she couldn't be 100% sure, she felt Chen Xiao Hong's words were probably true. After thinking for a while, she spoke: "We can only take one step at a time. Now we know their plan, we can take precautions in advance."

This matter was of great importance. It went without saying You Jin didn’t hide it from Mrs. Su. Attracting more problem by avoiding Mrs. Su from worrying was a case of loss outweighing the gain.

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