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Chapter 117. Execution and the official slave

The matter happened too fast. Even Xiao Family, who had already quietly prepared, was caught off guard.

The capital’s imperial prison.

Most of the prisoners imprisoned here had committed capital crimes. So everyone in the capital knew that once one entered the prison, they had already stepped into the gate of hell.

The moon-white robe on his body was already wrinkled, but it wasn't too dirty. Xiao Lin Yu sat in a fairly dry corner and looked at the ‘window’ on the high wall that was only the size of a child's head. Judging by the slight light leaking in from outside, he estimated how many days he had been locked in. The young man sat there upright like a pine and cypress tree as he thought about the rest of Xiao Family: "I wonder how old Ancestor and Mother are doing now..."

Few of the people who entered the prison can bear this hardship. Others were fine. Only old Ancestor was high in age now. He was afraid that she might not be able to survive until the day they got sentenced.

Under the wrath of the emperor, power shook the world. Those who were suspected to have been involved in General Han case had their house confiscated and themselves imprisoned like autumn leaves falling. Even General Liu Wei, who was still in the limelight last month, had already been imprisoned and became a traitor to everyone.

When You Jin group arrived in the capital, the entire capital was already in turmoil. Everyone was in danger. You Jin had no roots in the capital and only a jade pendant that Xiao Lin Yu gave to her when she cooperated with him at the beginning as Sujiacha’s token.

Sitting in the carriage and looking at the little jade pendant, You Jin sighed, "Leader Guard, go to Sujiacha to find news."

Now she can only hope that Sujiacha wasn’t affected! If Sujiacha was confiscated too, You Jin knew that it would be even more difficult for her in the capital.

Sujiacha's shop was located on Zhuque Main Street in the capital and was considered a little famous in the capital now. Leader Guard Xiao made some inquiries and got the location. He drove the carriage through the bustling market and finally stopped at the door of Sujiacha.

"Customer, just take a look. What tea do you want?" The shop was still open, but there were only two young attendants there. The manager was nowhere in sight.

After receiving the Miss's gaze, Leader Guard Xiao stepped forward and asked, "We have some big business to discuss with Manager. Please invite the manager out to meet us." They changed their identities in Chaxiang when they departed to hide their whereabouts. Now that they have arrived in the capital,they can't expose themselves. If exposed in advance, let alone inquiring about Xiao Family, Su Family might even get implicated.

The attendant examined the person in charge, who was very good-looking, not too tall, and dressed better than ordinary people. Then he checked the man who spoke just now. A sword was on his waist. Grasping a thought, he jollily spoke: "Since it's a big business, two distinguished guests upstairs, please head up. I'll invite the manager over."

After saying that, he signaled the other attendant to take them to the second floor wing room. While he, himself, turned around and entered the backyard to invite the manager out.

Speaking of Sujiacha’s manager. He tea had been terrified for a long time because of Xiao Family's affairs. Seeing that Xiao Family's shop had been sealed up and the tea shop was fine, he was quietly relieved as well as being a little worried. Currently, he was hiding in the backyard and not daring to go out, for fear that the official soldiers from the Lord Mayor’s Yamen will arrest him.

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