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Chapter 53. Ancestors

Of course, You Jin wouldn't put all her bet on Lizheng's body. After delivering the goods to Yunweixuan the next day, You Jin circled around the west market a few times and finally found an old businessman looking person selling puppies. She spent twenty wens to buy four round, lovely, black, shiny puppies with pointy ears.

"Little miss, let me tell you, don't judge how small our family's pup now. They can start watching the home in two or three months. My family's pups are very fierce. !" The old man was ecstatic about selling four puppies in one go for twenty wens. So he chatted a bit with You Jin.

You Jin nodded. Although these puppies looked cute now, she was confident that she would train them to be the best house watcher. She smilingly thanked the old man who sold the dogs and put the puppies in the basket. She hummed a tune on the way home.

The puppies were still relatively cute now. And cute creatures were the easiest to get the favor of the girls. Once they returned to Su's house, the pups were greeted by six pairs of claws.

Even You Chou, who had just turned three years old the day before yesterday, hugged one of the puppies tightly and refused to let go: "Eldest Sister, is this for me?"

You Jin found an old earthen pot and filled it with a scoop of water. When she saw the bullied puppy tussled into a bundle, she angrily put hands on her hips: "Don't play. These puppies are going to be brought up to watch our house!"

After saying that, she rescued the four little puppies from the crowd and soothed them.

The sisters obediently stood under the porch and watch the puppies who was sticking out their tongue to lick the water. The girls' eyes spun. "Eldest Sister, do they have names?"

"Not yet. How about you guys name them?" You Jin handed over this authority to the few children. The supported their heads as they brood over it for a long time. After a lengthy discussion, they decide on the names of the four puppies: Wang Cai, Xiao Hei, Hei Bei, and Da Huang.

You Jin sighed. It were names full of local flavor. Since she couldn't bear to douse the few younger sisters' excitement, the puppies could only be aggrieved.

From this day on, four puppies joined in on Su Family's exercise every day. Every morning, The sight of Su Family's girls taking four puppies for a run along the river on the west side of the river became a special scene of Wuliqiao.


The eighth day of April was You Jin's twelfth birthday. Su Family deliberately altered You He's clothes that Mrs. Han gave before they left and used it as a birthday gift for You Jin.

Early this morning, You Ling and You Luo took You Chou to behind Su Family's house to pick a lot of wild flowers and decorated the east wing. Su Family made longevity noodles from scratch. When You Jin returned from the market, the family happily celebrated her twelfth birthday. Although there was only a bowl of longevity noodles and a bunch of wild flowers, it was You Jin's first birthday celebration after transmigrating. In her previous life, no one had given celebrated it for her. So it would be a lie to say that she wasn't moved.

The time period entered April. The weather had gradually warmed up. The vegetables planted when Su Family first moved in have already been eaten one after another. The garlic sprouts that You Jin planted was ready to eat.

On the second day after her twelfth's birthday, You Jin cut a basket full of garlic sprouts and headed to the city. Right now, garlic sprouts hadn't even appeared in Wuliqiao, let alone Luohe Prefecture. She have monopoly of it.

Second Master Huang had been traveling all over the world for so many years. Naturally, he had eaten garlic sprouts. You Jin didn't need to pitch. He took on all of her garlic sprouts and made a gentleman's agreement with her: this year, the garlic sprouts planted by Su Family can only be supplied to Yunweixuan.

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