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Chapter 29. New Year Pig Slaughter

After a few days, You Jin's on and off illness was healed. In a blink of an eye, it was December 22th.

The six pigs raised by Yue Family this year had grown fat and strong under the careful care of You Jin sisters. Finally, the New Year was approaching and Yue Da Fu made an appointment with the butcher in the town to come to soak pigs today.

In the kitchen of Yue's house, You Jin and her sisters were busy boiling water. Outside the pigpen in the backyard, five/six young men were already standing there. The head among them was Butcher Huang. He often came to Cuifeng Village to kill pigs.

Butcher Huang held a sharp knife in his hand that was glinting with cold light. Standing in front of the pigsty with a hand on hip, he scanned the fat pigs that were to be slaughtered in the pigsty. His eyes were full of joy: "The pigs in Uncle Yue's house are really well raised! The smallest pig is almost two hundred jins!"

Yue Da Fu was also full of joy. Standing in front of the pigsty, he grinned: "They are all home-raised pigs. Whether they are fat or not, they're like this. Today, I will have to trouble old Brother Huang. After the pigs are killed, let's have a good drink!"

Pig-slaughter meals was a custom in Cuifeng Village. Two tables were set up on the day of killing pigs. One was to thank the people who came to help kill the pigs. The other was to invite some close-connection in the village to celebrate.

Today was Yue Da Fu's family's New Year pig slaughter. According to Yue Da Fu's face-saving temperament, the pig slaughter meal got to be bountiful. So early in the morning, You Jin sisters were ordered around by old Mrs. Chen. Chopping cabbage, slicing potatoes, etc. Every one of them were busy like a spinning top. Still, the sisters were beaming on their faces. After all, all year round there was just this one pig slaughter meal. Meaning, they can more or less consume meat.

A pigs shriek sounded from the backyard. It turned out that Butcher Huang stabbed the neck of one rope bound fat pig. Blood spurted out. A man who was standby on the side with a large wooden basin for the pig blood quickly stepped forward. The pig's blood went into the basin without a single drop missed.

Wan Niang deliberately combed her hair with osmanthus hair oil today and wore a big red cotton jacket. In addition, she was guarded by Yue Chang Lu since she entered Yue Family. Not a meal was missed. She was glowing and rosy. Despite her little daughter-in-law appearance, she openly followed Yue Chang Lu to the backyard and took the initiative to smile and greet the villagers that came to help.

When Yue Da Fu saw her come out, the smile on his face faded by a half. After this Wan Niang entered the gate of Yue's house, Old Second wasn't as disciplined as before. Two days back was clan patriarch's pig slaughter meal. His old face was almost completely lost after being told off by patriarch. Now Wan Niang came out to meet the guests dressed in fancy dress. Anyone with discernment knew what she was thinking.

Yue Da Fu first glared at Yue Chang Lu. The other party just shrank his neck as if he didn't see it. Instantly fury brew within Yue Da Fu. But seeing so many people in the backyard now waiting to watch the fun, he can't really act up. Then he spoke to Yue Chang Lu in a deep voice: "Right now, the pigs are getting killed. It's a mess. If you bump into something, it will be bad. Old Second quickly bring your wife back."

Taking the thoughtful eyes of those who came to help fall on Wan Niang and his father's displeased gaze, Yue Chang Lu could only agree. He took Wan Niang back to the west wing.

Everyone saw Wan Niang walking away with a big belly and eyed Yue Da Fu's gloomy face.

"I told you not to go. Look at you. You insist that you have never seen a pig slaughter but wanted to see it. Father isn't happy!" Yue Chang Lu's awe for Yue Da Fu has been deeply rooted in his bones. Plus Yue Da Fu was a little angry in front of so many people. So Yue Chang Lu was a little mad. He supported Wan Niang back to the room where the two of them were currently living in the west wing and said angrily while sitting on the kang.

Eldest Sister, Why Haven't You Married Yet  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora