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Chapter 159 Preparing for Marriage

In August, good news about the opening of spring imperial exam next year spread from the capital. Liu Zhuo Ting, Yue Wen Sheng, Fourth Wei and other students who had studied hard for many years were naturally overjoyed when they heard the news. All of them wanted to go to the capital to take the exam and realize their ambitions.

Now there were only less than seven months until the imperial exam in March next year. There were many students in Luohe Prefecture who were going to the capital for the exam. After the news of the imperial exam spread to Luohe Prefecture, the bookstores in Luohe Prefecture made big money.

"These were the papers that Gentleman Xiao asked someone to bring back from the previous exams. He also asked a colleague who was the chief examiner in the court for copies of a few answer papers from back then. Although the three of you excel in this area, this help is icing on the cake." Sitting at the head, You Jin motioned for Qiu Fen and the others to distribute the papers in their hands to Liu Zhuo Ting, Fourth Wei, and Yue Wen Sheng.

"You Jin, how is the icing on the cake? It’s obviously charcoal in the snow." As Liu Zhuo Ting’s glowing eyes glanced through the real past questions that were hard to find in the market even with thousand golds, he was both shocked and overjoyed.

Fourth Wei also carefully read the previous policy theory. His eyes fixated without blinking while his mouth kept sighing: "The people's livelihood and state affairs, every word was a pearl. It’s really an excellent policy theory." Although he conceitedly proclaimed to have some talent , he had no experience of going to the capital to attend for the exam. Although his grandfather was an official in the court, he had never been involved with examinations. He can only tell him about his own experience in examinations thirty years ago, which was of little practical significance. Just as he was feeling uneasy that Wife’s Elder Sister had prepared this. His gratitude to Wife’s Elder Sister increased even more.

You Jin saw that the three of them looked like they had found a treasure and the smile on her face increased a little. She spoke: "It’s good if you find it useful."

Thinking of the things mentioned in Xiao Lin Yu's letter, she stated: " Nowadays, his Majesty pays attention to the state affairs and the people's livelihood. He is extremely wise and wants to follow up and below to follow his example. The examiners and graders will naturally prefer to be more pragmatic."

The three of them listened attentively to You Jin's words and secretly made a note in their minds that they must not make flowery articles when answering the questions. After all, You Jin's ability to find this information was enough to prove that what she said was true.

Although You Jin had never participated in the examination, she knew the importance of the examination to the students. She had finished what he had to say and naturally no longer kept the three: "If there is any news from my side, I will invite you over. Now is the critical time, so I won't waste your time."

It went without saying that the three of them were all grateful. They all mentally promised they must repay Su Family well in the future when they become famous for this kindness.

As for Fourth Wei, who was Su Family’s son-in-law. He was taken care of by in-law family from the start. Now he had such golden words and secret scrolls, Fourth Wei naturally felt more grateful toward Su Family.

Second Madam Wei knew that her son had this opportunity, and said: "Who blamed me for this marriage at the beginning? Now you only remember to in-law family’s goodness, but not me. Truly have a daughter-in-law and forget mother!”

However, these words were only meant to irk her son. As for three months pregnant You bao, she treated her more and more like pearls and jade.

Time passed day by day. Although Xiao Lin Yu wasn't in Luohe Prefecture, his heart never left. Almost every second day, he sent a letter to relieve the pain of lovesickness. He also sent people to bring golds, silvers, pearls, treasures, silks, satins, and other things back to Xiao's house as a backup gift.

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