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Chapter 157 Birthday

The seventh day of April was You Jin's eighteenth birthday.

Although she was a ‘high-age’ unmarried daughter, Su Family still held a lively birthday party for You Jin. There were people from Xiao Family, Han Family, and You He's husband's family in attendance. A total of four tables were full. Truly lively.

"I wish Eldest Sister smooth sailing in all matters and no illness or worries." Su Family’s little girl held fruit wine and toasted today's birthday star.

You Jin, who was already a little tipsy, drank it all with a smile: "As long as you are all well, Eldest Sister will be fine."

Seeing that even the youngest You Duan had grown into a delicate and lovely little girl, You Jin felt emotional and joyful at the same time. Cup after cup, she drank and unexpectedly got a little drunk.

Since they were at home, Mrs. Su wasn't going to restrict the children. Unforeseen, during the banquet, Eldest Daughter was drunk. Seeing Eldest Daughter sitting there blankly with red cheeks, Mrs. Su hurriedly got someone to help her back to her boudoir : "Quickly get some hot water for Miss to wipe down. Cook some hangover soup in the kitchen to serve."

"It was nothing. I’m fine." Although You Jin was drunk, she still had some awareness. She leaned weakly on Qiu Fen and Bai Zhi and waved her hand to tell Mrs. Su not to be too busy: "I'll go back to my room and rest for a while.”

Although she said she was fine, how could Mrs. Su believe it? It took a long time to sort out before it came to a stop. Not long after, the front came to report, saying that it was Gentleman Xiao who had arrived outside the door. Mrs. Su had no choice but to get someone to clear the table and prepare some tea and foods for Xiao Lin Yu.

As soon as Xiao Lin Yu came in, he asked Mrs. Su to dismiss those around. Then he knelt down on both knees, and kowtowed to Mrs. Su: "Auntie Su, Lin Yu came here this time to request You Jin’s hand in marriage."

Mrs. Su hadn't recovered from the shock of him kneeling down. When she heard him say this, she was taken aback for a moment. Then she smiled in delight: "Good child, get up at once."

From the start, Mrs. Su was worrying about her daughter's marriage. Now her favorite son-in-law candidate came all the way to Luohe Prefecture and the first thing he did was to propose to marry her daughter. How could she be unwilling? She rushed to help the person up, and responded: "I know you have always been excellent, so I naturally won't say no. But you also know that You Jin is one with her own thoughts. If she agrees, this marriage can work."

"Since it’s like this, Son-in-law thanks Mother-in-law first." Xiao Lin Yu was delighted to have Mrs. Su's consent, and made another bow to Mrs. Su: "I wonder where You Jin is at this time?"

He rushed back all the way to give her a birthday gift, and then ask her to marry him.

"You Jin is drunk, so she just went to rest now. You can go and have a look." Mrs. Su thought that her daughter was unwilling to marry because of Eldest Gentleman Xiao and now that he propose, she felt it should be fine and let the servant outside to take him to the backyard.


The second entry’s east compound courtyard was You Jin's boudoir. Qiu Fen and others had finished waiting upon Eldest Miss on washing up and changing into clean clothes. The outside servant brought Xiao Lin Yu in.

Sitting on the couch with her back leaning on a soft pillow and supporting her heavy head with one hand, You Jin heard that someone was coming from outside. So she ordered weakly: "Please come in."

Seeing that Miss was a bit awake, Qiu Fen complied, led Eldest Gentleman Xiao in, and retreated to the door to guard.

Xiao Lin Yu just entered the room, and saw the young girl with her hair tied loosely in a bun and with rosy cheeks smiling at herself under the bright candlelight. He felt his heart melt instantly and his throat was slightly itchy. His voice was dry and hoarse : "Jin-er..."

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